Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

YOU NO TAKE CANDLE! Or…do I dare take candle? hmmmmm


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Skimpy in all the right ways.

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Very red, 9/10.

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It’s nice and all, but it is a set.

8/10 i like red

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9/10 I like it…very cool. :smiley:

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8/10, 10/10 if Nine Inch Nails is playing in the background


I had to log in to rate but can’t figure out how to post a new topic…16 years later? someone is making things difficult…

Your mog is a bit messy (all over the place) but I like it anyways. 8/10

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colorful. i like it. hehe

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It’s cute in its own way.

Does the candle wick extend the length of your body or does your hair just catch on fire?
8/10 it would have been 10/10 if you could replace the candle with a light bulb.

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you’re like an aqua bumble bee, guarding a butterfly nest. hehe

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I recently had a name change so it hasn’t update yet but here is my mog:

Zyhuna - Character (worldofwarcraft.com)

Here is my take

Not bad, although the gloves could use some work, or go hidden. Still, it’s nice to see a new take on skimp, that’s hard these days.


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Apparently people don’t know how to follow directions, Dhunt completely skipped over me :angry:https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/shuhalo/zyhuna

Also, Magasmash 9.0/10 you are one bright golden panda, I love how unique you look… I can tell you are one feisty panda girl.

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And you, Rainbow, then skipped over Magas.

9/10, because I can’t say no to a Pandaren gal.

I know, but I rated panda girl now. :grinning:

remember when you told me I needed a different weapon? what do you think now