Rate the transmog above you (Part 1)

The nature look is well composed. Not my cup of tea, and I dont like humans, but it is nice objectively speaking.


Really love the pants and the transmog as a whole is really nice on an orc, 100/10


You live up to your name. I’d say it’s almost perfect for you, but you should swap the belt with the Sea-Reaver’s Girdle. 11 :cow:/10 :bikini:


Wow! 10 for sure love!


Everyone loves goblins.

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Thanks! I just changed it, and yeah I agree it pops a bit more than my original belt!

(Please skip)

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stylin’ 10/10

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Hmm… 5/10. I think you could stand to embrace the Void colours a little more - the eyes clash hard.

Edit: never mind, I’m Colour-blind. Looks solid. 8/10.

Looks decent so 8/10 .

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7.5 ish above. not that its not creative but it looks like you hid behind a rock while other heros got beat down then ran off and was like “mine, mine, mine…crap boss is looking at me /runs away”

though maybe that is a blizzard error? Showing only one shoulder pad on you: also showing one on me but i know im wearing both LOL if both shoulder pads are on 8/10 lol

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A tad too “busy” for my tastes. However…

  • great contrast between garb color and skin color.
  • love the helm look.


Whoever rates me, FWIW: I know this is not how DHs are “supposed” to look, but I’m trying out a superhero-type mog.

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I like it, but the weapons don’t seem to flow very well. Just my silly opinion though. 8/10


that is some serious shamanism. 10/10


very nice 10/10

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8/10, kind of plain looking which I guess works for a warrior.

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wow. :clap: 10/10


Nice, though the belt doesn’t seem to match the color scheme of everything else. It was a little darker it’d be even better.

10/10 I don’t know what I’m looking at but I’m into it. Very unique.


7/10. Would have been higher if it wasn’t mostly season 1 elite pieces, but I dig it.

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intense 10/10

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