very nice —> 9/10
Love the Gold belt over the Black and Purple combo!
I think I probably would have tried to have at least one more item to match to the gold on the belt; maybe some kind of Gold / Purple Staff (if one does not exist, please forgive me I only have 1 Staff Class (Druid) and I really only use him to Farm and Auction)
Either way, it’s a great look, and I’m going with 8/10!!
Well done!
vanilla flashback! 9.99/10
-.01 because pants not same faded red
8/10, not my cup of tea, but I can respect it for being a low lvl mog
somebody likes red! 10/10
Eh, 4/10. You look like a human mage.
Hmm you look like an orc……green gems green skin… yes yes I approve. 10/10 I would roast you with a nice honey bbq glaze.
8/10. Just because you look like a creepy doll that’s missing it’s skin.
Holy cow!….
I’m so sorry.
it wont load your armory?
It worked earlier but now I can’t see it either.
Edit I tried yours, worked, then tried mine again and it’s there.
10 Bleh, Bleh, Blehs / 10 (which he does not say)
Very sleek. Adding pads would detract from the slender, elfin look.
Remarkably apt!
Edit: Unless you are a victim of shoulder pad deletion. In which case I look like a mug right now…
10/10 that’s roguetastic. The claws make me think of a kid who wanted to be a feral druid but had to go rogue and is living their dream.
I almost always hide my shoulders. They tend to be almost too much half the time! Thanks!
(Do not rate me, rate any poster above)
i want to rate ya now, since i couldnt earlier. the helm really works for the vampire look. 10/10 overall for classiness.
there’s something disconcerting about pigtails on a dh lol but ya did a good job with the blacklight effect. 10/10
I love that look. 9.9/10.
Not too crazy on that hairstyle but the mog looks fantastic.
that looks amazing on a worgen! 10/10!
Dog sh it!!!
nice! too bad a shoulder is missing. 10/10