Rate the mog above you!

Old school. I like it!

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Dammit, wrong chr. “Old School! I like it!” 9/10

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5/10? ouch, it doesn’t look bulky at all especially when in game. maybe use the 3D model viewer? I was going for Sunwell Arcane mage. but thanks for the 50% rating. i’ll take it.

Since you were skipped, I’ll rate you.

I get why you’re using that staff but it’s very low res and that’s made worse by using it with one newest sets in the game. Overall not bad though. 7/10

I don’t know what the hell that guy is talking about. Your mog is unique, creative and fits a blood elf perfectly. To me you look like you could be a Sunwell NPC. Good job.


Err I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I’m not wearing anything gold.

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Understandably it’s hard to mog a Mechagnome but the conflicting silver on the top pieces and gold on the bottom pieces just keeps this set from coming together for me.


Usually people don’t debate their rating but since you did: Err I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I’m not wearing anything gold.

Buckles on your dress, the gold tint in your mechagnome limbs, gold in your staff. Silver and gold (or gold tints) don’t go together for me. Same as you don’t see people wearing gold and silver jewelry. I’d change your helm and shoulders but that’s me.

Well, I wasn’t trying to start a debate, I just really didn’t know what you’re talking about.

To me it’s more bronze than gold. My robe has all these colors: bronze, silver, purple and fuchsia. My hat has bronze, silver, purple and fuchsia. My shoulders have purple, silver and bronze. My limbs are bronze. My weapon is bronze and purple.

In my eyes it all matches perfectly so I just don’t see what you’re talking about at all. I thought it was pretty cool that I found pieces from three different sets to match so well :woman_shrugging:t2:

Anyways, so you don’t get skipped, you’re wearing a very nice classic Mage set but it is just a set. 7/10

Pot meet kettle? You seem upset that I called you out on wearing a full set.

I wasn’t fighting anything… until now. My first comment was because I was confused. I’m not wearing anything gold. And I made sure to edit my post instead of replying so you wouldn’t be skipped.

Then you went into further detail into why you didn’t like my mog and then I replied to that. I never once said anything about my rating. I was never upset that you gave me a five. i don’t care if you like my mog and if you would have said “I don’t like it, here’s a 5” I never would have said anything to you.

And now you’re being snippy and getting personal. It’s probably a good thing you deleted your reply.

Here’s your 7/10 again for your full set.

I deleted my thread because it’s the first time in one of these mog rating threads someone wants to debate the rating they got. Unbelievable. It’s a thread where others rate your mog, not you rate your own mog.

Debating your perception of your own mog is futile as I assume no one chooses a mog they think is bad. If you’re going to be that sensitive about the rating, stay out of these mog threads. You think it matches perfectly, I don’t. It’s a hot mishmash of sets with conflicting color schemes. I prefer uniformity in color.

One more thread topic I’ll stay away from rather than engage in mindless, futile debate.

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Back to the comment you deleted about someone that rolls a Mechagnome isn’t serious about mogging, I would say someone that wears full sets isn’t serious about mogging. Blizzard did all the work for you.


10/10 and here’s why.
You were able to blend bronze fabric with your Mechagnome body structure and infuse arcane colors. Your staff choice reflects the colors of your character, which shows a intuitive understanding of your class and race. You know your stuff my friend. Thanks for understanding my theme, lol. I think the other guy was color blind. 33% men are. Someone can skip me.

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clean color way for entire out, however, shoulder and staff don’t match too well

Such a cuddly mage, 8/10


Looks great. Original. Everything matches! Excellent job!!!

If only the trim of that vest was gold as well - but at least the blue on it meshes well with the belt to save it to some degree.

Solid 8/10

I really like your mog. You look like Dadghar’s brother. 9/10

Thank you for your rating but only the gloves and shoulders are from Firelands. The chest and belt are from Legion and the hat is from WoD.

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9/10 everything matches

however, doesn’t feel as unique since its majority are easily farm from Fireland

I don’t know what that is but I wouldn’t wear it for 100000 gold lol. 1/10

Good looking armor set and the weapons you pick goes well with it. Overall, I’d give you a 6.5/10 due to lack of originality as your set is built or pre-made by Blizzard for you.

Daaaamn. I try and stay away from robes at every avenue, but your set looks absolutely killer all together. Makes me want to try to make a more armour-y set now!


The belt seems out of place and the chest/shirt I feel could be a bit better but I like everything else. The hair color fits well, I like the use of the simple staff, and the boots fit surprisingly well. Overall 8/10