Rate the mog above you!

9/10 Very wolfish and wild.

404 error: char not found

8/10 “lose the hood”.

JSYK, this toon was Leveled without any BoA gear since September, would it hurt to do more ICC or BT hunting too?

Archaingel error retrieving profile.

So Oenindis. Not bad, the hat just seems out of place, good start though.


Cultist theme not bad 7/10 i would lose the helm though

Pretty awesome. 9/10 for menacing mage.

Red eyes would go well with a fire mage. Pretty good. (although your profile isn’t loading for me)

@Tambren 8/10 Looks very cute! The hat is a little bright and distracts from the overall look but it does match the gem in the staff well. Good job!

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Love Hailstorm’s model. The matching blue in the belt and robe is my favorite. The pop of orange/red in the shoulder gives me some frostfire vibes. Cool stuff! 9/10

7/10 because I think your mog is amusing.

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5/10 Because it’s clearly arcane-themed but feels a bit lost between high fantasy and low fantasy.

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@Angleyne - I feel like Hjodan rated you based more on personal bias rather than technical execution so I’m going to re-rate you first:


I absolutely love the mix of darker colors / browns to signify a heavy “metallic” theme, offset by the purples throughout both the outfit and the staff. It really does lend itself to the “Mechanical Mystic” vibe you have going on!

And of course bonus points for the staff! It’s an absolutely gorgeous staff and I love it whenever someone is able to weave those older staves into new outfits.

And then to get back on course…

@Hjodan - And for you, good sir:


Great outfit! I absolutely have the “Rustic Wizard” look down to a T, which is impressive!

I did remove a single point however based on 2 things:

  • The staff, while it fits the “simple” theme you have going on, still feels kinda underwhelming
  • And the majority of the pieces making up your outfit comes from a single set; usually the challenge in making unique and creative transmog outfits comes from mixing/matching disparate pieces from various sets and still making them blend, whereas pre-made sets are built to already match
  • And one final note: Even though I had 2 subtractions above, I gave a point back because your Guild is “Explorers Guild”, which totally fits in with your transmog theme!

Either way, even with all of that said, still a great looking transmog!



The blue and gold Tirisfal Regalia recolor is always nice but I feel like you would have been better served just going with the full set. As is it looks mismatched, particularly the shoulders. And that belt with the dagger is a nice idea but in practice it looks tiny and more like a nail file.


P.S. Cast off that Void pallor and join us in the Light, brother! :v:

Well themed and iconic. 10/10.

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Looks adventurous! 8/10

Not sure what you were going for here but 6/10

Sorry BFF :broken_heart:

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Mine is a “hit the road” traveling mog. Yours, however, is super cute! 9/10 /cheers

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Love it. Perfect Forsaken look. 10/10

I like what you put together. 9/10

Whoaaa I LOVE this. 11/10. That just screams battlemage