Rate the Dragon Above!

Same idea as the transmog threads - give the dragonriding mount posted above you a rating out of 10.
Trust level 3s, feel free to help people post their images once they’ve linked, but make sure people don’t get skipped! :slight_smile:


Hi, here to review and rate in detail and very objectively. I am the Gordon Ramsey of Dragon Transmog so please take this as fact.

Color: Mustard Apple Topaz isn’t my favorite however it would work well in the waking shores on a spire. I think there are aspects (hah) of the riders transmog that present well while riding the dragon, particularly the shoulders, gloves and back. 8/10.

Horns: The helmet of the rider and horns of the dragon match well. 10/10.

Chicken Legs: Imagine landing with 10 stacks of Dragonrider’s Initiative and the enemy doesn’t get damaged at all because your dragon skipped leg day. Talon damage would make up slightly for this however this will not surpass the need for strong dragon calf muscles. 2/10.

Wings: Substantially inferior wings to 2 of the other dragons, making it 3rd place for dragon wings. With already lacking legs, the wings should have been able to make up for this, however, this dragon relies on strong winds to pick up it’s rider and while I imagine the speed of this dragon is insanely fast and probably top of the class on the Dragon Isles, it doesn’t help it during this rating. 3/10.

The Neck Braids: My uncle had these and he was a funny person so I don’t mind these. The quality of the Dragon neck hair knots is impeccable and the fact that the dragon trusted you to do this is a testament to your connection. However the clipping with the harness is unforgivable. Nothing you could do here to fix that but it is blinding my enjoyment of the neck beard knots. 6/10.

Head: I love the pose and how strikingly handsome this dragon is. You can tell by their facial features that this dragon has a personality and can be quite cheeky sometimes, but loyal when it needs to be. The crown possesses a blind spot about 45 degrees between the snout and pupils which may disrupt views but a solid protection for maintaining sight. 8/10.

Giving you a 7.7/10 overall. Well done on the Good<=>Great Dragonriding mount.


That was certainly a voluminous critique. :wink: How about a screenie of your drake?

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I do not ride drake, I may only rate them.

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I identify as a dragon. Rate me.

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0/10 no fur

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No fur that you can see.


Well, I tried.

I’m pretty basic with the accessories, don’t have much to choose from.