Rate the DK name above you

Kinda has a fallout 3 feel to it 4/5

Iā€™d give you a 6/10 Iā€™m not a big fan of the clove bit but the necrotic is quite nice.

9/10. I prefer names that are random than names like ā€œDeathclawā€ or ā€œRothideā€

Iā€™ll give it a 6 outta 10, it sounds humany enough, but the alt-code makes my eye twitch.

Loving the wordplay. 10/10.

You going to love my main dk. May have seen his name up there a few times. Eonanus.

Completely random generation from blizzard lol

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Legitimately. I clicked the dice a lot the day I made this character lol

Biased so not going to rate again lol

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Yeah I was disappointed I had to use alt-code. I mixed Alexander Mograine and Tirion Fordringā€™s first name together thinking I was the only one that thought of it. 10/10 btw

Legitimately awesome custom name combo tho, i have a dh with a worse alt-code issue.

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8/10. Itā€™s got a nice eldrich flavor to it, but also with a bit of earthy. Extra points for originality.

Feyark is from Everquest. The DK is also a nelf.

Awesome sauce!

Pretty good name for a nelf id say. 8/10.

Had this toon since wrath and I donā€™t play horde. If the orc from SoO did exist before MoP, I didnā€™t know of her.

I like the name it fits a draenei well. 10/10

Zoeseadā€¦ I can imagine that as a former vindicator killed in the plague lands and raised as a DK under Arthas.

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5/10, feels more Demon Hunter imo

7/10 for that edge

hmm Slomobius - 8/10 just wish you could of has a start like Ima or Daā€¦

1/10 name should be jesus.

No idea where you get that idea from and why the salty remark and score but whatever the reason it just makes you look badā€¦

Iā€™d score your name but confused what relevance it has to DKā€™s or to anything unless itā€™s a pun on Pot and yeah well that might explain so much moreā€¦

most relevant dk name possible
it was a joke lol

prince of russian empire , military savage, founder of the black sea navy(an army of sorts) and most importantly a savage.

re rate idk like 3/10 unoriginal,not creative, death knights arenā€™t ghosts apparition isnā€™t a name, wouldnā€™t be allowed on an rp server.
idk man i donā€™t fancy it. its not objectively bad,

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In terms of the name interesting reason and with that in mind itā€™s a good fit I guess but with having to explain it detract somewhat.

In terms of my name choice actually Apparition has two meaning and the Ghost side of it is one yes but the second less commonly known definition is the reason I went down this path:

a remarkable or unexpected appearance of someone or something.

ā€œan apparition of the Grim Reaperā€

synonyms: appearance, manifestation, materialization, emergence; visitation; arrival, advent

ā€œhe was startled by the apparition of his commander now somewhat alive in front of himā€

If you consider that Deathknights are effectively brought back from the dead then in this context Apparition does actually fit very well.