Rate that mog: Rogue Edition

Nollie - 9/10. You look like a rogue version of “Bride of Chucky.” I would run if I saw you in real life.

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You look good. 10/10

10/10 Kerena, I like the tone down actual rogue look.

6/10 for originality

But 10/10 for being Bloodfang


i like the theme but it also reminds me of a monk

8/10. I like the Gypsy bandit vibe and great daggers.

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10 of 10. You nailed that adventurer vibe perfectly.


7.5/10, all matches and looks pretty decent, just feel that there may be better alternatives to like the shoulders or perhaps the boots to make it “pop” more

I’ll get you a latex Sensory Deprivation mat, errrr, I mean a nice bed to relax and unwind on =)

Your mog looks like you’re going to the gym but it’s not bad. 7/10

I actually like that mog on a gnome solid 9/10
this mog is my rendition of someone barely fighting off the whispers of N’zoth

here’s mine rockin’ the poison spec and them also got the irradiated shirt so looks even better and green glow weapons. with breath of yulon

Wooo I love your look. Very sinister. Good job. 10/10

Hey sexy…come here and let me eat your face!

@ Kerena, I love the overall bone theme. Very hordish :slight_smile:


Not a fan of the minimalist mogs, but it matches at least :slight_smile: I’ll give 6/10

Looks good m8, 9/10 from me.

Now look at me I’m wearing a full set…cause f you :metal:

Here’s Something fun, my Blademaster transmog. The Horde pennant is mandatory to complete the look and I always have it on, which doesn’t show here unfortunately.

NO U :metal: :grimacing: :metal:

9/10 I like that set.

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8/10. id grab a diff helm. also the rest looks like 1 set

faction, interesting mog. I say 9/10