Rate that mog! Again, and again, and

I like your Tauren very much. Great job!

I’m proud of this mog. Been waiting years to put some pieces with the chest & legs, shame they are not higher resolution. Added a dressing room link because the enchant on the Armory does not look like in game. Tell me what you think folks. =)


That set looks awesome, Jinjiir. 10/10. Too bad the chestpiece is older and looks low resolution compared to your shoulders and swords, but that’s not your fault.

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Thank you. You are being very kind. The low resolution shows the worst on the back of the legs. The chest & legs are from Dire Maul recipes that are no longer in game. I wish Blizz would give them a high-rez pass like they are doing with the T2 re-release, then put the recipes back in game. I think they would be a popular items if they did.

The matching bracers from the BRD secret safe finally dropped for me last night

( https://www.wowhead.com/item=22205/black-steel-bindings ).

So here is an updated look…


I think that completes the set.

Btw, I think you void elf looks really cool! I love how you took inexpensive white vendor item and made such an awesome set. That makes it even cooler. 10/10. Perfect for a Void Elf.


( Jin Here) I have this set in red too. Very similar. I put it on a lvl locked 30 I plan to do some xpacs I missed. I never did BFA and it has such great looking zones that I want to complete it on a ground mount.


…and this is my main. Been playing her since Vanilla when I was a semi-sweaty raider - laughs. I like her set. Looks much better in game, especially the pants. Tesha discovered spandex & never looked back. :wink: (Wish I could find a better set of boots)


Love it a lot! 9/10, with only two nitpicks. I feel like she needs something around her wrists, can’t really explain why. And it could just be the angle o the weapon, but it looks a bit more ‘teslacoil/tinkery’ than the rest of the sleek getup.

As for my own, all stuff Endarro stole off druids of the flame. Was fun for her killing traitors in their own getup.

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Thanks, I appreciate your comment. You have a great mog. Looks super cool. 10/10

Tesha does have something on her wrists but the Armory pic does not show it well.

Here is a dressing room so you can see the bracers:

Until to day I was going with a sleek weaponless look using a dagger & offhand combo. Direbrew’s Shanker enchanted with Crusader illusion to match my Explorer’s League Lantern. My favorite offhand btw. It is a nice light comes in handy in the dark.

And with the Shock Coil:

I wanted to try the Authority of the Storms enchant. I was told it was good. It added 2.2 dps in two quick delves this afternoon.

Today I got a 610 staff from the vault so the Shock Coil seemed to be the perfect weapon for the enchant. Make it a true Shock Coil. Fun stuff. Plus it’s goldish color is close enough for the mog.

I prefer the weaponless look but the RNG gods prefer I carry a staff. :wink:

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I like it. It’s simple, elegant. Solid 7/10.

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I love cosplay transmogs. 10/10.

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Oh man 10/10 this mog is heat :fire:


Absolute unit of a Zandalari


EDIT: skip me because I forgot to re-mog myself while levelling.

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I dig it.

More of revealing mog without being over the top. 9/10.

An excellent plague knight look. 10/10, could run screaming from.

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Not too certain what it is supposed to be. The shoulders and boots dont really match with the rest of the set. Maybe it looks better in game?

Not much to it. Never been a fan of skimpy mogs. 4/10

7 out of 10 - not really feeling the color combo.

7/10 I dig the unique armor look and am always a fan of anyone trying to color match!

It is great warrior mog for sure.

I like how solid and scary it looks.


Helm, shoulders, and belt just don’t mesh right with the over all look. It’s about how you feel about your attire, so I wouldn’t worry about my opinion if you’re happy with it. 8/10

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You look like Thor’s Grandfather