Rate that mog! Again, and again, and

9.5/10 I see the look you’re aiming for, and I love it. The colors blend well together and remain consistent on the outfit. The main base fits a monk’s class color perfectly while giving enough of a look that a monk would indeed wear. The belt matches the color combo, but the design slightly throws me off. Overall - I love it!


I kind of respect the old school low poly look here. The big glasses, the finger painted leather in the right colours for the Argent Crusade. Just, its charming. I think you could do with better weapons, but overall its good :slight_smile:

So, I keep going back and forth on your mog. There’s obviously mismatched pieces in there, but you’ve spread them out, and they’re very deliberately placed. Like, one second I look at your mog, and it just doesn’t work for me at all. The next, what you’re going for shines through and really appeals.

The being said, the weapon just flat-out doesn’t work at all, and really needs to change.


You look very intimidating. 10/10.

Edit: Oh shoot. I forgot to transmog my gloves.

So, that’s a full-set mog. It’s a nice full set, but a full set.


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It’s hard to tell on a dracthyr, but the colors match. I’ll have to give it a 7/10.

Pretty straight forward mog. -1 because Gnome :stuck_out_tongue:

@ Zelebra - Not feeling the head piece too much but I like everything else 9/10

The ‘girl next door’ look with an eldritch look of danger. Love it!
Might be just the angle, but the dagger feels a bit chunky and out of place with the regular clothes and sleek shoulders.

Oh hai Malfurion.

A bit on-the-nose for a druid, but not an unconvincing look. The shoulders kinda bug me, though. The purple glow and gems on them just doesn’t go with the green and blue of the rest of the mog.


9/10 fits a Demon Hunter, but I feel like that color combination has been done a million times before on Demon Hunters.

That’s a really good mix. I like how the belt brings the set together. 9/10 because I’m not a fan of the eye markings.

Very nice looking. The hat makes it more casual rather than fighting gear like the chainmail. 7/10.

Sorry this is mainly just a set, but had to post since leather has never had a bikini until this - minus the belt of course.

I’m not going to rate you lower for wearing that awesome set. I like those fist weapons. 9/10.

You look like you would be the Adjudicator of a small province in East Asia someplace. I give you a 7/10 because it is 100 percent original + bonk stick.

Damn. The whole thing works so well.


Not quite my style - but its clean - I’ll give 7.5 out of 10.

I’m gonna feel like the biggest heel, but this isn’t a great look. You’ve got 90% of the Plunderstorm set and the suddenly this helm that neither blends nor effectively contrasts. And your weapons are a hodge podge.


Not bad, but not particularly eye-catching.
Color synergy is good, and it’s nice that you kept the silhouette slim.
I don’t like the weapons; they’re low poly relative to the SL gear and the choice of enchantment is eye-searing (though I suppose blinding the enemy is good for a rogue).

My character image appears glitched; I shouldn’t be barefoot!

Oh haha I thought it was on purpose since your gloves are hidden too.

I like your color palette, very “For the Alliance!” but your gloveless hands and dark hood is throwing me off. 7/10