Ratchets and Hatchets LFM

Ratchets and Hatchets is a Casual Raiding Guild 6/8 Heroic TEP. LF AOE healers and DPS for raid nights and beyond. We run Mythic/Mythic +, WQs. Raid Fri/Sat 7:30pm Server Time. Post here or find us online. We look forward to growing in the community with you.

ten characters

nice progression guild, no ragers or other general douchers here, we have a solid core or raiders here

Chill group lfm, pst.

Bump! We are now 6/9H, 1/9M BoD, 1/2N CoS.

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Updated and bump.

Bump. We are now 8/8 Heroic TEP.

Hello! Just started playing Horde.I have been an active raider since TBC. Just got back into playing and i am interested in joining if you’re still recruiting. Thank you!