Rarest or best looking bow?

For an old-school one, I like Heartstriker from Blackwing Lair. Unique, black dragon theme.

And I second the Golden Bow Quel’Thalas: So pretty!

And for guns, the Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle from Big Bad Wolf in Kara is woefully underrated.

I use heartstriker with this shado-pan mog…

There loss. Most my best transmog are made from greens.

I love the ironfeather bow, it looks so dainty, and fancy :slight_smile:

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It is dated but this bow has always been my favorite

Followed by these two from Vanilla pvp,

There’s not many cool hunter weapon mogs.

I’d go with the new gun you can get from mechagon

Hope and change.

I always wanted the Frenzystrike Longbow from old TotC heroic.

A few models Blizzard removed and I could not put my hands on this baby back in the days.


EDIT.: Yeahhhhhh I can link stuff now. :slight_smile:

BTW for those wondering, this bow was horde only, alliance would get… (and if you ask me thoe are still two of the most amazing models the game had - the lion open the mouth before fire).

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Accursed bow of the elite from Naxx has always been a favorite of mine. Not super rare but great looking. Would love an HD version of it.

**See Caramuru’s post above.

My hunter uses this, fits it’s mog and one of my favorites.

You beat me too it. I was lucky enough to not delete the Frenzystrike until Transmog became a thing.

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I like the one I have a lot. The Vengeful Gladiator’s Longbow. :slight_smile: