I am wondering if this quest will ever show up again. I remember killing a boss guy to get this bow. There is no info on this bow when I do a search.
Isn’t that the bow from the Nathanos quest during SL pre-patch? If so, it won’t come around again I imagine.
Your probably correct. I dont remember the quest name. Lucky for me I got 4 of them. One for each of my Allience guys.
This one?
It says it’s from Darkshore warfront. Just gotta wait until Blizzard makes it soloable (if it’s not already.)
Same name, but mine are all level 115. That is why the quest was so popular because the bow is 115
Hmm ok. Well, it’s not popular now because a level 53 green has a higher ilevel.
Really, nice, How is 53 higher than 115 ? Higher in what way ?
Oh, you mean because they dropped our level from 110 to 50, or maybe it is 60 now if you go shadow.
a requires level 53 to use green from Shadowlands, has a higher item level than 115, is what they said
Yes, thank you
And I was wrong. It’s level 56 when greens have a higher ilevel. 53 greens have ilevel 113.
OK, yea, I’m not sure how all that works , but I am not shadow, so I just read my stats and go with that.
Thank you all for your input.
Basically if your leveling, then level and you will get a much better/higher item level weapon just from leveling, or world quest/dungeon/etc… later
If your staying at 50 and not planning on leveling, then that would be good for you/worth the time to get (or if you just want it for transmog, which is always a good reason too)
Thank you Akumashi.