Rare items for sale: Stormshroud Shoulders pattern

Hey, I’ve got some super-rare items for sale on Destromath & co

Character: Bankinhotty-Destromath

I can make:

  • Stormshroud Chest
  • Force Reactive Disk
  • Whitemend Pants
  • Flawless Arcanite Rifle

Items for sale:

  • Stormshroud Shoulders pattern
  • Some old Zul’Gurub items, including a druid doll and a few Gurubashi Mojo Madness

Feel free to drop me a line in-game if you might be interested in any of this stuff. I’m just looking to sell them for around the US median prices. The Stormshroud Shoulders pattern is rare and valuable enough that I’d be willing to consider letting it go for 500k to cover the cost of you making an alt here, then server transferring him away with it in his bag (and I’d just take the payment on your main server, so I can buy game tokens with it)