Rapture? Really?

I don’t understand this change at all. I’ve been a Discipline Priest for nearly fifteen years, and the most recent iteration was the most fun it has ever been to play. I even went back to Classic Wrath expecting to enjoy the “original” Disc, only to find it incredibly dull compared to retail, which completely shocked me. That experience only reinforced how enjoyable Discipline has been in the past few years.

So why make these changes? Why remove Rapture? And how are we supposed to use Ultimate Penitence in any modern PvE environment? There is absolutely no way I’m risking that ability unless something is done about verticality, or unless we get a brief immunity window after landing.

This is beyond frustrating. Perhaps I am missing something about these changes, but I am spiraling out of control right now. Haha


Also, why did it default to my level 16 Paladin? haha

I was thinking about coming back after my four month break for season two, but I have a feeling I’m going to be skipping out for this patch. Bummer.

You can move during uppies now and get a 100% shield, its a fun ability.

They removed rapture because honestly… massive shields have always been a pain point in this game, if they could remove PW:S they would


I did really like rapture too, like most. And last season was a lot of fun in M+ with atonement healing actually doing some mega healing.

I’ll have to revisit the changes again cause my one key run last night felt like the spec was way off, in a not so good way. Like I was missing something. One big surprise was how little Evangelism healed for - I was expecting that to be a big heal only splitting between 5 but it didn’t even feel worth pressing.

It’s hard to say if that was a true account of things though with so many things broken in the game after patch - it’s entirely possible something isn’t working as intended with disc so felt off.

Anyways, I gave you a heart cause you made me laugh. Hope you stop spiraling soon

PS - I’m thinking holy will be the play this season

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So you disagree with every top m+ healer? lol

I guess that was probably a little dig on me, but I thought people were still saying disc would be top. Missed the top M+ player memo, was just saying that based on how much worse disc felt last night.

Edit: Lol

Edit 2: I miss read what you wrote - shouldn’t forum post while also working. I’m not 100% I disagree, just a feeling.

disc and MW vie for top spot with resto druid just below, for M+ holy, holy and resto sham are in the gutter

edit: the icy-veins list is created by a dps, so idk how much i’d trust it honestly. The wowhead one is being discussed because resto druids don’t think resto is s tier (but leave it up to druids to think their class is worse than it is, looking at you boomkin).

I guess you could have been being sarcastic about the holy thing, it doesn’t translate well in text


I wasn’t. Just giving a hot take. People thought disc was gonna be mediocre for S1 and it wound up being best. Sometimes things just work out differently and it looks like the holy changes might be a thing. But, like I said, just a feeling and my opinion, people should disregard my post (I’m not an expert) and still play disc first.

tbf we really won’t know til 11.1.5 when the meta settles

i think holy’s major problem is they don’t have small group scaling

To be fair, people didn’t think Disc would be mediocre. It was just a very obvious second best to Resto Shaman in that dungeon set. Especially with Priest having no kick utility.

What made Disc super powerful was the rise of Paladin after the prot pally buffs alongside the Shaman changes.

Paladin being strong meant Disc’s worst weaknesses were shored up by pally utility.

Disc is definitely better than Holy this season still. It’s still putting out huge HPS, it’s still got really short CD windows that match boss timers. If Disc isn’t meta, you can bet that druid or monk are, not holy.


They should of removed power word barrier.

No way I would take this change of loosing rapture disc feels great right now! Barrier is huge in raid and in M+ for big AOE phase!

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Yeah prune mythic plus and raiding while at it. Barrier most cancer CD ever.

Rapture was almost useless and has been replaced with a much better spell in an easy to reach node on the skill tree called Evangelism

Rapture was essentially useless in m+ because it doesn’t shield that much and required a bunch of casts to get it onto players, if they would have made it shield 5 players instantly instead that would be fine. As it is, it’s just not that good and was completely useless in raids ever since we were given renew which lets us spread atonement just as well as rapture ever did.

I play at the top percentile in m+ and I can tell you rapture was more or less just used to lower the CD of pain suppression.

Evangelism is way better and is essentially a rapture that heals everyone instantly and can be used to target heal in m+

Way better and more useful in m+ and in raids.

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No, barrier is fine. They removed rapture because it was garbage, not because it was “too good”.

Rapture was very, very strong in PvP.

You’re talking about a strictly PvE, strictly M+ mindset.

Not even true of M+, Rapture was an incredible tool for a variety of situations. Its only content where it was relatively weak was raiding. They didn’t delete it because it was too weak, that’s for dang sure.