Rapid Disconnects within 10 seconds of entering WoW

At 4:00 p.m. oh the 20th, so 24 hours ago, I got disconnected and repeatedly got DC’d. I had one error code, which I resolved and was able to log in to the Battlenet app. But I continually got disconnected every 10 seconds when I logged in game. This only happened on my Alliance toons on Proudmoore, not my Horde toons on Proudmoore, or my other toons on Draka and Argent Dawn. I have removed all addons and reset my UI, and still get insta-kicked when I log in.

I did notice when others were making these same reports they mentioned their guilded toons, all of mine that I cannot log in for more than 10 seconds on are in my main’s guild, and only those are the ones affected.

I have the same issue

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