[Rant] The current state of WoW PvP: ''Either you're winning by a land mile.... or they are.''

A disclaimer before going in. This is going to be a long read, an annoying read, a headache. I’m not going to say nice things. I’m not going to hedge. I’m going to sound whiny and I will look through my rose-tinted goggles. So if you stick around, I’d be surprised, but here it is.

I’m convinced back in 2008-2009 a little thing existed called close fights, where you would get into a BG and most of them would end up being fair, decent matches where you would see players you came to respect on the opposing team. You’d get neck-and-neck tie-breaks and you’d struggle for bases with supportive players who rotated on point, even in random BGS. Of course there were duds, but you’d actually be able to laugh at them because they were an exception to the norm rather than what you could expect from queuing Random Battleground.

In 2024, today, all I seem to get are death-balls in random. In my screenshot inventory are 5-6 screenshots of matches where our team collectively has 0 Honorable kills, and the medium kills for the opposing team are in the high 40’s. I spend most of my BGS either getting farmed or doing the farming. Either their team has several high-geared players and 4 healers, or our team does. There is no inbetween, no variation, and hardly any exception to this rule; by now, I can typecast the match in the opening minute as to whether or not our team will win and it is… boring.

It is boring.

Is no one else bored by WoW PvP in its current state? Given the vast majority of players are people queueing random, I feel bad for the new players coming in thinking, ‘‘wow, this is it?’’ – Likely not so much for the people who’re guilded or in BG communities, but if you’re running random every day, it is miserable. Just miserable.

Now, I’m aware to some that ‘‘random BG wins don’t matter, lul.’’ But when you are a casual player like me who plays for fun it is actually kind of nice to have a system that is balanced for the players even if the classes are not. Me, I don’t care if Hunters are cutting people’s legs off right now or if Death Knights are annoying brats. I don’t. But what I do care about is every match feeling the same. I can’t stand every match feeling the same. It’s either you’re winning, or they are. And there is no inbetween.

I have played five characters now to level 80. All of them levelling through BGs 71-79. I must’ve played 250+ BGs this past month at max level. Most of my characters are conquest geared to the neck, and I can say with absolute, dead certainty that even if I’m geared to my eyeballs I can still not carry or influence the outcome of one of these ‘‘bad match-ups.’’ Whereas I’m pretty sure if my memory recollects that back in WotLK I would have matches where I would have 24 HKs and the rest of my team would have 6-7, we would almost win that match.

And that felt good.

WoW is now in the current state where everyone is so powerful individually, that a good and decent player can’t beat two people on a point. So it doesn’t matter if you’re conquest geared. It really doesn’t. Because you still can’t influence that point individually. People are too tanky and bursty as a duo for you to be able to reliably chunk them both down in time for someone not to rear their heads out from the graveyard in time to stop you checking the point. So, carrying is out. It is non-existant in the current meta. Good luck running solo in a BG, you might as well try to influence the group.

But as I’ve said: wait a minute, my group is getting 0 kills. So–

It’s over.

Every match is this. You zone in, you scope it out, you realise: it’s a dead match-up. You lose.

You zone in, you’re steamrolling, it’s a winning match-up. You absolutely bake them all the way back to the graveyard.

Then about once per day, shining down from the Warcraft heavens and from the inside of Metzen’s beard, you actually get a match where the teams are evenly matched. And you actually, actually get a decent fight with one or two interesting battles; but then after 15 minutes of the short-queue the BG timers are now set to, it’s over. You got your dopamine rush, now get out. You’re back in the boiling pot once again. All those good players you just met – you’ll literally never see them again.

I just have to ask, why…? How on earth is it this way? … How is this fun?

Please for the love of God, fix the match-making system. And fix MMR. Please make it not so brutal. I hate to say it: but this game feels like HotS now for matchmaking where you just get what you get! So, sorry chump! Either it’s over for you:

Or it’s over for them.


Sir, This is a wendys


Id agree that for random BGs, something like 50% of the games are in the ‘unplayable’ category for one of the teams. To me that means that they are blow outs where if i were on said team, id personally find minimal enjoyment and probably leave and just swap to another toon while in time out. Sometimes i just queue up to play the game, and its super irritating to get one of these BGs. i just want to kill some stuff, not caring about honor, and the BG is such a blow out that i cant even do that.

That being said, idk if id go as far as saying that this is more of an issue today. I played mainly classic wow since 2019 and this same thing was the case. maybe its due to modern meta gaming, but idk if its caused by version of the game itself. I think its usually just lopsided team comps, especially healer count, and back in older versions, gear with zero upscaling, can make multiple players useless.

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Legacy randoms are terrible. I did two (2) this season until I did a bunch of epics for honor gear, started qing for Blitz and have never looked back.

It is Randoms with rating. Which is exactly why there are a lot of people hating on it.

But I love Blitz so much.

Lotsa crying from uptight players who are far too concerned about what other players are doing instead of focusing on just doing.

Unhappy that their rating isn’t insulating them from the masses as it does in the other modes.

But the numbers don’t lie, it is at least as populated as 3s and not far behind RSS.

It’s not perfect, and I wholly expect tweaks, but it’s the most fun I’ve had in game in a decade at least.

I concur. I think it’s the premades maybe. Every BG is quite lopsided, I’ve pretty much given up on Randoms, which I used to do my one win a day for normal and epic for the conquest, but now I’m just queueing Blitz because at the very least I know I’m only going up against a duo and not a 5 man.

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im not gonna lie, im really liking this xpac but im very disappointed in bg blitz. (i thought it would be a lot more competitive)

however… is this really blizzards problem/fault? or is it a people problem?

if i get into a group and 7 of my teammates are no teven trying to do objectives… i cant blame blizzard for that… those r just crappy people

the games are actually super super fun (imo) when they seem somewhat evenly matched and both sides r trying to win



  • Blitz (and I think Rated BG’s) takes horde and aliiance and mixes and matches them, I like this change. Perhaps this was done in Dragonflight too, but I noticed it in TWW.
  • 1600 rating rewards a free tier token, but I’d argue that it is simpler to gain as a healer than a dps. You also can just PvE and grab it from a heroic queen kill.
  • Forces even teams.
  • Playing with friends, a guild, or a wow community will help you progress and will be faster than solo brackets.


  • For DPS the solo queue’s are very long. The road to 1600 will take longer for many players who do not get lucky with win streaks.
  • The amount of players giving up after an enemy team gets one flag down, seeing that the bg is EOTS, or who sit typing at the GY is TOO DARN HIGH.
  • Conquest Cap seems to inhibit my ability to gear and progress in other content, and a queen kill on heroic would be a faster way to the pvp 4set anyway.
  • Morale, at least mine, is low. It takes a long time to earn the honor for the socket items. If you’re a casual player without a lot of time to sink into the game, you’re going to lag behind other seasonal players by a huge margin. Perhaps this will be less of an issue late in the season, but so far it seems like such a grind to play catch-up.
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Mm, I feel you, OP. I usually duo or trio queue randoms with friends, and a solid ~60%+ of them have us GY camping them. It gets boring fast.

Part of the problem is that there are so many BGs with only one GY, making it trivial to GY camp. If you win a team fight or two, suddenly you’ve inevitably caged them in at the GY.

All BGs should have a choice of 2 GYs to allow the enemy team to circumvent a GY camp and get back at objectives, thereby forcing the camping team to also go back to objectives or lose.

I actually think its this way because the bg heroes are in blitz. I used to spend 90% of my wow time in random bgs because thats what I loved but since blitz dropped Im just in that. Right now randoms are just people trying to gear, not people who genuinely love bgs/people who play objective. Its sad but I dont see it changing.

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You are correct. I hate battlegrounds. I get farmed as monk by every ranged dps possible.
If i’m not getting farmed, i’m forced to be FC because my class is green, even though the other spec in my class is actually broken…

I think there are a few players like me that wouldn’t touch battlegrounds but are forced to - because solo shuffle doesn’t reward players past 1700.

The second inflation is implemented i really wonder how quickly Battleground Blitz will fall off…

I don’t consider 4 to 7 minutes to be a long Q for a solo mode.


There are a lot of us who have been forced to arena since BC.

Your arena content is right there. No one took it away.


I’m usually waiting for longer than 15-30 minutes each. I don’t always get to play during peak times. There are some days where it is closer to 7-9 minutes, but I’ve never had a 4 minute queue.

I’m just going to throw my leg in here and say I also wait 20-25 minutes for a DPS queue for Rated BG Blitz. It’s never 7 minutes like you’re toting. No offence, but you’re sweetening your argument a little Forumtoon.

Likewise, I also don’t find Blitz that fun. It’s 8 people, and 4 of them are usually monkey, chicken, chocker, numbo, gumbo goobers who don’t know how to peel and who sit belly-up AFK in base after their first death.

P.S: Had some better matches today. I think the weekend has something to do with it. I also only queued for Arathi Basin / Deepwind Gorge (Domination matches) because they have larger player pools and therefore it’s more likely I get paired with at least some decent players. No CQ though for all 6 of my games, but hell, I had fun!

I only play very late night early morning NA time as im UTC+7, opposite of Central time right now, Like I’m making breakfast right now.

Mine are all about 5 to 8 minutes this season.

Unless it is the first game on a new toon that takes longer maybe 20 minutes sometimes.

If your interest is hitting the weekly conquest cap, you can probably literally play like a single game a week.

It’s nice not to be enslaved to an honor spy ladder anymore.

You mean a single game a day? I’m confused!

Subsequent wins just aren’t particularly rewarding. Conquest point DM as the result of victory is probably the better part of 50% of the first.

Not that reward is the only motivator. On a weekday dude I’m probably more motivated toward sleep.

I’ve played at all times and this is exactly my experience too. The first game or two on a character were about 15m, after that, I’ve never waited more than 9m afaik, and average around 6m for DPS. About 2m or less for healer.

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Can you give the specifics on this please? I don’t pve at all but this sounds simpler than getting 1600 on my fire mage.