Ranking the Dragon Aspects in power

  1. Deathwing I think we can all agree that Deathwing was the most powerful by far. He often fought the other 4 Dragon Aspects, all at once, and usually put up a good fight, even before being empowered further by the old gods in Cata. Power level pre Cata 12,000, during Cata, 15,000+

  2. I’d have to say probably Nozdormu, his ability to see the future, travel through time, and alter the timelines is a very powerful ability. Power level? 4,500

  3. Malygos. Due to the nature of Arcane magic, how powerful it is and how it can be used to do almost anything, this gives Malygos, as the lord of magic great firepower and versatility in what he can do. Power level? 4,000

  4. Alexstrasza, as the Queen of all Dragons, and the “Life Giver” is solidly in 4th place, her power to create life, empower it justifies this spot. Power Level? 3,000.

  5. Ysera, unfortunately, from what we’ve seen of her, Ysera is likely the weakest of the Aspects, she may be far more powerful when in the Emerald dream, but when in the real world, her powers dont seem to match those of her older sister, Alexstrasza. Power Level? 2,500.

But what do you think?

I think it’s funny you rank Ysera so low when she was the one Deathwing feared/was worried about, and who almost took him down in the War of the Ancients.

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Can’t argue with most of that but I’d swap Malygos and Nozdormu around. Nozdormu is duty bound to maintain the true timeline so wouldn’t go around recklessly altering things to give himself an advantage in a fight so there’s no bribing the architect to build trapdoors beneath his enemies. Malygos on the other hand is, as he says in Hearthstone, “the essence of magic.” Raw magical force in a dragon. That’s got to count for something.

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She just doesnt have many feats compared to the other aspects, and her powers dont seem nearly as useful in the normal world, like I said, she is likely far more powerful on her turf the Emerald dream.

Wow the disrespect towards Ysera. I think her power is simply more difficult to grasp or see than just blowing stuff up with arcane magic or Deathwing’s theatrics.

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A big part of why Deathwing did so well in his brawl with all the other Aspects was that they were all severely weakened by their powers still being housed in the Demon Soul. Once it was broken and their powers returned he needed years to recover from the colossal beating they laid down on him.

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But she faced Deathwing in the real world and came closer to beating him than all of the others(excluding Nozdormu as he was AFK/not there). If I am not mistaken it actually showed he would have lost to her but he drew on the power of the Old Gods and Dragon Soul to win.

W/O the Dragon Soul, even weakened as she was; Ysera would have beaten Deathwing in the War of the Ancients.

I mean he went back in time to get the dragon soul, which is how we beat Deathwing. Granted, im sure that happening is supposed to be part of the “true timeline” but still, he had to bend some rules to do that by taking an object of great importance from the past.

Yeah but that was like Avengers Endgame, they took it and returned it to the same point so it was never actually missed. Power over time is a strong ability but he’s too hamstrung by the rules to use if as an effective power. I mean he’d be #1 if he could use it like The World and freeze his enemies while he brutally murders them with impunity.

Top 5 strongest Aspects:

  1. Wrathion
  2. Wrathion
  3. Wrathion
  4. Wrathion
  5. Wrathion

And these numbers are supposed to be what… Dragon Ball Z scale?

Just a number to make things measurable.

I think the list is pretty good, might swap Malygos and Nozdormu, it’s hard to say if one edges out the other.

But, interestingly, (and I could be totally wrong, my lore knowledge of the Aspects isn’t pristine), I think before being empowered by the Old Gods, Deathwing was a solid 2nd or 3rd. After all, he was scared at the prospect of fighting Medivh, and as powerful as Medivh was, I actually think Malygos might be as powerful, or maybe even just a bit more powerful as the Last Guardian was before his death.

Really?! I must have missed that. I’ll reread that.

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