Rank your spec’s Hero Talents

It’s obviously way too early to be excited for final numbers. We cannot take damage values into consideration when there are crazy one shots still floating around (like Devastation having access to a spell that does ~1700% spell damage)

But there are some really influential new talents when it comes to utility, mobility, defense, and how damage is produced.

So in case you liked Dragons right now ~

Devastation - Scalecommander - S tier:

  • A new, aimable Deep Breath mechanic will circumvent the terrain issues that plague Deep Breath in current PvP. The spell will no longer fail to activate in crucial moments, and it’s harder to avoid. Plus, it can be cancelled at will. So Devastation no longer wastes travel time if they overshoot their targets.

  • Casting an empowered spell enables Disintegrate to strike up to three targets at once. This means Devastation can self-peel melee cleaves and combos even better with specs that can group enemies, like DK.

  • Deep Breath refunds both charges of Hover. Which means Devastation is practically never not Hovering.

Fun fact: Hover lasts 10 seconds, 30 second CD, and stacks when overlapped. So if you Double Hover > Deep Breath > Double Hover, you will be Hovering until another charge of Hover is available for Hovering. Which will mean you can gain 50 straight seconds of Hover without even using Time Spiral to enable another charge of Hover. And of course, Deep Breath can be talented into a 1 minute cooldown and has CDR from Scalecommaner tree, so you can actually just Hover for 60 seconds until you use Deep Breath again to get two more charges of Hover.

  • Deep Breath now has CDR.

  • Devastation gets a form of execute, with Living Flame and Azure Strike gaining up to 50% more damage the longer Devastation is in combat. This helps circumvent their lack of kill potential when not benefitting from max mastery.

  • Free Living Flame proc upon entering combat means you have one more guaranteed instant for Star > Surge > Fire Breath combo

Devastation - Flameshaper - B to A tier:

This spec currently has the most insane damage potential I’ve seen on Ptr, BUT it’ll be nerfed and the design of turning Devoker into a DOT spec without Dispel protection is obviously bad for PvP.

However, it does have three really strong mechanics for PvP.

  1. Dragon racials cause enemies to miss their next attack. Turning Swipe and Buffet into instant pseudo Searing Glares and alleviating Devoker’s lack of instant CC and frequent kicks.

  2. The videos I’ve seen of the improved Hover look like the player jumps about 25 yards in 0.5 seconds. Meaning Devoker will be able to gap close and create, at will, against any spec. And the improved Deep Breath travels much faster, giving Devoker more time to exit animation and capitalize on its own Stun.

  3. Applying Blaze to oneself also applies Blaze to a teammate. Giving Devastation another team defensive, and will be extra useful into countering specs that swap well.

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Looking forward to scale commander tbh, the 3 in 1 disintegrate seems fun and it will make melee life miserable which is a bonus.

Druid of the claw looks fun for feral.

Haven’t looked at DH’s yet but I’m sure they’re probably obscene.

WW has two amazing trees and honestly it looks like it’ll be hard to tune and they’re going to he demolishing people.

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DH looks underwhelming outside of Glimpse getting Fury’s Barbarian Mechanic :pensive:

Fel-Scarred is basically giving Veng Havoc’s current playstyle of Metamorphosis/Signature Channeled attack

Aldrichi Reaver is about having one more layer of combo potential with Reaver’s Glaive buff, but will probably be nerfed for PvP


1. Dark ranger - D tier

The good:

  • every 30 sec you get Black arrow into instant Kill shot
  • when the thing resets, you get 10% increased damage
  • strong defensive talent

The bad:

  • resetting aimed shot/barbed shot is a very weak mechanic for PVP. In PVP you’re never sitting on 0 charges of Aimed shot waiting for it to reset. You can barely cast 1 or 2, and you have so many spells anyway
  • 40% slow on disengage is very weak
  • black arrow itself is a very weak dot

Overall, the biggest problem is that the mechanic around which the tree is built has very little value in PVP

2. Pack leader - C tier

The good:

  • more consistent damage
  • the extra 5y for a few sec after disengage can be good for survival in niche situations

The bad:

  • no new gameplay styles available, basically nothing will change in the way you play
  • 15% cheetah speed is laughable as a utility talent, the 5y extra range for a few sec will be negligible for BM
  • mediocre defensive

Overall, nobody will notice you have a hero talent tree when you’re playing pack leader.

3. Sentinel - B tier

The good:

  • strong burst every 15 sec (20 or 18 for MM because it is tied with the CD of rapid fire) with lunar beam thing
  • strong shield on yourself that will rebuild itself faster when you’re bursting

The bad:

  • the sentinel dot itself is very weak
  • lunar beam can break CC is you have sentinel stacks from attacking the healer earlier (the sentinel debuff thing lasts for 20min or so)
  • very weak utility (3sec root or 40% slow)
  • the beam does not follow targets, so they can move out of it

Overall, the most visually pleasing of all, and with the highest burst for PVP, this is what I’ll be playing.

Yeah the Evoker ones seem pretty good so far. A lot can change between now and release though so we will see.

Can someone buy me the new expansion please


Is there going to be 3 hero specs for each class or just two?

2 for DH
4 for Druid
3 for everyone else

each spec will get to choose between 2

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Thanks man. If that’s the case, hunters seem kind of lame.


Let’s get him a go fund me!

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I’ll contribute.


demolish atm looks like everything warrs already have, again

an aoe cooldown
a flurry of attacks

cause two bladestorms wasnt enough

Well since there aren’t any gamebreaking mechanics I guess hunter ones are bad, though I want to say everyone’s should be more like the hunter ones.

I agree. The trees for most other classes are currently far too overloaded and will more than likely create a very toxic meta where all classes have too many answers and nothing dies.