What do you guys think?
No-stump Archimonde
I remember our guild’s 1st attempt (my original TBC guild)… Wasn’t pretty.
Everything else is
I can certainly agree with you on Kael and muru, I can’t agree with an unbugged Vashj. Fight took suprisingly few attempts for the time and seemed to hinge almost purely on whether or not our hunters were awake enough to pick up the fear beasty or whether the meelee were awake enough to spanked the corrupted ele.
I think that I’m sort of on the fence as to whether this would be a better question for WoW General Discussion, rather than Classic.
Seems quite appropriate as the museum piece is nearly done. Nothing new to talk about in this exhibit but we can get excited for the next newest exhibit, tbc.
Sure, but that’s a more General Discussion, than specific to this exhibit.
This board isn’t being used for anything useful anyway. Might as well be about tbc.
Or about any other off-topic thing, such as which fried chicken is your favorite?
I mean, that’s not a very compelling reason for whether the topic is in the correct place.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t really care. I’ve just noticed that most other off-topic threads tend to have a lot of people saying, “Wrong forums,” but this thread, which isn’t really about anything related to Classic at all, hadn’t…
until I made my comment, I suppose.
Clearly you do care but this board is now about food and tbc, classic is dead.
Enough to have commented, so far sure
I’m also looking forward to TBC Classic.
If we go by how long they took to kill for top guilds from the moment it was possible to begin working on them
1: High Astromancer Solarian - 59 days from Magtheridon’s death. 24th April 2007
2: Lady Vashj < Coilfang Matron > - 54 days from being unlocked. 5th May 2007
3: Al’ar < Phoenix God > - 48 days from Magtheridon’s death. 13th April 2007
4: The Lurker Below - 37 days from Gruul’s death. 12th March 2007.
5: Morogrim Tidewalker - 32 days from Gruul’s death. 7th March 2007.
6: Kael’thas Sunstrider < Lord of the Blood Elves > - 31 days from Solarian’s death. 25th May 2007
7: Fathom-Lord Karathress - 31 days from Gruul’s death. 6th March 2007.
8: Magtheridon - 29 days from the first 70 raid kills. 24th February 2007
9: Leotheras the Blind - 29 days from Gruul’s death. 4th March 2007
10: Void Reaver - 15 days from Magtheridon’s death. 11th March 2007
11: Hydross the Unstable < Duke of Currents > - 13 days from Gruul’s death. 16th February 2007
12: Archimonde < The Defiler > - 10 days from Azgalor’s death. 9th June 2007
13: Gruul the Dragonkiller - 8 days from Maulgar’s death. 3rd February 2007
14: Reliquary of Lost Souls - 6 days from Supremus’ death. 2nd June 2007
15: Kil’jaeden < The Deceiver > - 5 days from the opening of the third Sunwell gate. 25th May 2008
16: M’uru/Entropius. 4 days from the opening of the second Sunwell gate. 4th May 2008
It might seem ridiculous, but tier 5 raiding before the nerfs in the Black Temple patch was serious, lots of incredibly overtuned things and buggy encounters. And incredibly fast trash respawns, it bore no resemblance whatsoever to the versions most people did.
Solarian in particular went through like four different versions, the first was never killed. Most people saw either the third version where a lot of people used arcane resist soaks or the fourth version where they just turned her into Baron Geddon.
Original Magtheridon and Gruul before they fixed shatter were also very serious fights.
By comparison, Black Temple was very easy. Reliquary took six days but Illidan died in under 24 hours from Illidari Council.
Sunwell was hard but top guilds that had farmed Black Temple for literally like a year and had a bunch of glaives bulldozed it quite quickly. The first three bosses all died in the same day. Eredar Twins was down pretty quick too. M’uru has a reputation, probably because a lot of guilds got stuck on it and never saw Kil’jaeden, but it only took top guilds 4 days. Kil’jaeden took longer.
Basically all the end of tier bosses qualify, except Tier 4, along with Muru.
I fondly remember even lvl 80s in WOTLK wiping on C’thun.
Heroic Nethermancer Sepethrea :3
Moving your character is very hard.
It actually was for people in 2007 I remember tons of pugs wanting to skip that boss because kiting was too overwhelmingly difficult.
She’s a fun fight. The RNG of it all is what makes it equal parts hilarious and frustrating.
The scope of raiding changed drastically from TBC release to when Sunwell launched.
At TBC launch, people were still in classic mode, raiding with friends, not caring too much about fight mechanics. 2 years later after attunements had forced casual players out of the raiding scene and funnelled all the good players into serious guilds that had farmed BT for a year, the level of play in good guilds had increased by orders of magnitude.
So it’s not like the bosses in Sunwell were easier, it’s that they were being fought by much more professional, focused and skillful raids. Meanwhile the 60% of your guild who had just been making up numbers in classic had just reverted to farming Karazhan and Heroic Dungeons for badges.
The rise of competitive raiding and the World Race began in tier 6.
wowprogress was born to track the world race.
elitistjerks and other sites you kiddos never heard of hit incredible levels of traffic as the raiding scene transitioned from classic to hardcore.