Now that we’ve experienced DF, how would you rank the expacs from best to worst? And why - what are your personal reasons? Here are mine, which have admittedly changed over time.
Wrath of the Lich King
Battle For Azeroth
Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor
Burning Crusade
Classic WoW
Hardcore WoW
Lich King
Good: I loved the story it told. It felt cohesive. Battle for Undercity quests were awesome. It was a story that Blizz already had designed and it resonated well with everyone. It was the height of population in the game. WrA was new and shiny.
Bad: It took forever for my guild to get a viable raid team and then we had too many raiders and not enough raid leaders. It took forever to get into raiding and by the time we did, ICC was about half nerfed and all the other raids were old content. There was a lot of gatekeeping in RP (i.e. don’t come to our city, don’t RP a dragon, this is our cart, etc.).
Battle for Azeroth
Good: This is so close to being my favorite because of Drustvar. It brought us Vulpera, Tortollans, a turtle made it to the water, Dolly and Dot, witches, and most importantly (to me), Boralus. I really liked the zone quests. I liked the boats and pirates. I liked Nathanos. I had more characters at max level during this expac than any other (11). I liked allied races and pushed myself for rep (something I normally hate doing). I also liked Warfronts and wished they would have continued those.
Bad: WTH was the design on the Zandalar hub? I mean, I get it was a pyramid, but I saw zero RPers utilizing it. ZERO. Poor planning. Also, would it have killed them to make a non-mob instance of Freehold so we could RP there? And what was up with those spicy pirate/nautical coats they just didn’t translate into player gear appearances? That hurt my soul. Also, this is when the Alliance RPers started their mass exodus to MG.
Good: Ahhh, the break-glass expac that gave us all those tasty artifact weapons. Best pre-patch event ever. Class halls. Decent plot. Suramar.
Bad: Suramar is just like Freehold - all mobs and nowhere to RP. It would have been a great RP hub, but no. We saw neat things in the order halls like a night elf paladin, but nowhere else. Tyrande, I neeeeeed you.
Good: I was prepared to hate Pandaland. Instead, I found it to be the most visually appealing of all the expacs. I even liked the music (and I typically play with sound off). I loved the farm. This was the last time I enjoyed raiding.
Bad: Too many dailies/rep farms.
Good: If this expac had been anything else but what it was, I probably would have continued my year-long break from SL and just not come back. Blizz did a good job of palate cleansing. I liked the basic story, the zones, Soup, Wrathion arguing with Sabellian, sitting with the old dragon and listening to his story, Lucky Duck, the Tuskarr questline for hunters. Trading Post is pretty not bad.
Bad: After the basic questlines were done, the rest kind of lost me. I’m still not done with content on any single character and I really don’t care. All early content is just dead. For instance, you can’t finish Soup with the number of participants now. And I hate the crafting system to the point that I won’t do anything but gathering professions. The big bad doesn’t engage me at all. I made 2 evokers, got bored and deleted them. Gilneas questline is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too short.
Good: Everything was new and shiny and omg what is this, a mailbox? The Onxyia confrontation will always hold a special place in my heart. Being on a PVE server and having half the ppl in SW walk Marshal Windsor to the throne room several times a day was amazing. PvP titles were awesome. Pally mount quest. Warlock mount quest.
Bad: Almost no one could raid. Content was difficult. It cost so much for a mount that I got mine through PvP.
Good: Garrisons.
Bad: Garrisons. Too many Orcs. Raiding ended when my RL decided she didn’t want some people she knew IRL on the raid team because they were hindering progressionnnnn, so she took the rest of team and made her own guild in order to not have to tell them. #drama with RP.
Good: Let me think on that…the transmogs maybe? Gobbos. Twilight Highlands.
Bad: The switch between super easy end of LK content to the super hard Cata content. I couldn’t get most of my guild into raiding because they were used to being casuals and weren’t able to keep up. I had 2 raid leaders and 7 teams’ worth of raiders. This was the first time I took a break from WoW.
Good: I’ve always thought this expac was ok, but not stellar. I liked blood elves.
Bad: I find almost all the content boring. I was still on a PVE server during BC and couldn’t get a raid team together at all.
Classic WoW
Good: Nostalgia.
Bad: I’ve already done this forever.
Hardcore WoW
Good: Presents a challenge.
Bad: I’ve already done this forever, but now it’s harder. Also people kiting mobs onto you sucks.
Good: Torgast? LFR wasn’t bad. Sinrunner Blanchy.
Bad: THE MAW. The plot - all of it. The fact that Revendreth was played up and then relegated to the end of the leveling zones. Oribos was useless as a hub. Did I mention the Maw? Also they should have put some neat rewards in Torgast. Pets, toys, transmogs, bags, something.