Rank 15 Please

Now that T3 is near, PVP needs some boost also. Trinkets? Build it and they will return.

SoD holds no loyalty to vanilla besides horizontal progression. Do it devs!

Reals would be nice also.


I would love to trade my worthless AB tokens for some reels. 3-1 would be fine, anythings better than letting them expire in the mail.

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If a new rank would be added

We talking “Hero of the Alliance/Horde” or something else entirely?

New trinkets and/or better pvp gear created as a whole?

This 100% should be added. There is basically no reason to continue to PVP at all for the remainder of SOD unless they had some new ranks/rewards/battlegrounds.

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They should make it like a king/warchief there’s only one and you lose it on death.

Sounds lame. Like someone would get it and never log on again.

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The point is because you’re having fun. I honestly cannot grasp how you think the goal is the material reward. It’s a video game. Do you think kids play soccer only if they get to win a trophy? Your position is completely ludicrous.

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You guys are like aware that R15 was actually previous designed way back in classic and it’s considered a true R1 only one person can have it rank right?

They won’t

Probably not possible to add more Ranks.

I think ranks use the Reputation System to function. If you look at how HKs and DKs (not the class) work, it functions exactly like reputation gains. Which meant that each Rank was actually a version of ‘friendly’, ‘honored’, ‘revered’, and ‘exalted’.

With the change to how the Honor System works now, I think they just ‘set’ you to the rank (or reputation). Much like how if you level up you automatically have maxed Class Skills; back in the alpha/beta you spent Skill Points to raise those.

What this all means is they’d have to introduce a higher level than Exalted, then tie R15 to that. Then redo the ‘patch’ they put in place for the way Ranking works now.

…then on top of all that. To get R14 you MUST get ~418k honor; you straight up will never get R14 with any amount below that. Since 500k appears to be the cap per week. They’d have to make R15 either be 500k or increase the cap and then make R15 slightly below that new cap.

And, realistically, who the heck wants to grind ~100k honor per day. that’s about 5 ABs, each lasting about 25 minutes. Two hours of PVP… :face_vomiting:

What’s more likely is they’ll reactivate Honor Decay, and then put in code to not allow you to equip gear you no longer hold the rank to purchase.

Because you enjoy PVPing?

You people are odd. Pvping isn’t about progressing or attaining anything, it is about competition. That is why I liked twinking, you got your gear then that was it, just straight PVPing from there. Some of us don’t like constantly grinding rep or doing raids for small improvements, just want to PVP.

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Been asking for a buff to the quest For Great Honor, so all bgs are viable and they reward a crate or reals or gold or flasks/consumes. Literally anything to make you feel like you are earning something in pvp past rank cap.



The only thing we need in PvP is better balance and more options. either more bg’s, rbg’s, arena etc. If you play PvP for the gear upgrade just so you can quit means you don’t appreciate PvP as much as you thought you did.

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I agree we would enjoy some sort of skirmish/arena or competitive ladder with skill rating for sure.

But right now I just think it would be nice to earn some money or reward through pvp so we can continue to participate with consumables.

I don’t see them adding more pvp content so a quick bump to the For Great Honor quest is asking for less and perhaps more reasonable.

You must hate PvP as a pver.

Spoiler alert…WoW is about carrots to most. I am HW and very few of us still que up. You want to kill bar room PvP, then kill the incentive. Like you are suggesting.

Bro rethink before hitting keys. This is a no brainer. Anyways.

What was the point of you grinding the rank? Please, enlighten us. What were you hoping to accomplish?

If you were to play, say, Counter Strike, do you do it because you enjoy playing the game or do you do it to rank up? What about Rocket League? Diablo? What are you bothering to get the rankings for? Rankings, rewards, are a side effect. They aren’t the goal. People that actually enjoy playing don’t give a damn what their rank is because they’re having fun playing. The rank comes, or doesn’t come, regardless of the fun they have. If you’re distracted by the carrot, it says a lot about you.

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Sorry that you felt targeted. Maybe pvp is not for you? Those of us who still queue as hw love PvP and strive to improve. we’re not in it to get a reward just to quit the game. makes no sense. just add more options to PvP :slight_smile:

I knew the vast majority were just PVE andys, that were, for some strange reason, grinding a PVP rank, only to never queue again.

Many AFK in BG, or let horde 5 cap because “muh HPH bruh”. I for one am glad they don’t queue anymore. Ive had multiple bans for telling them what I think of them.

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I don’t care what it is just give more PvP incentives/rewards next phase. PvE is looking lit next phase(finally not just upgraded/improved Era raids) now they need to do some more PvP stuff.

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