is rank 14 unlocked in phase 2? and the rewards also?
phase 3, we’re in phase 2.
The exact wording from blizz: "Phase 2 of the Anniversary Edition introduces the updated Honor System currently in use on both WoW Classic Era realms and in Season of Discovery. At the launch of the phase, the Honor cap will be set to Rank 11, with it extending to Rank 14 shortly after the release of the Blackwing Lair raid dungeon at a later date. "
Note: it says AFTER BWL so probably a couple weeks after the start of phase 3
Been wondering about that… it’s blizzard and that wording makes me nervous
Yeah probably 2-3 weeks after BWL launch, and then a couple more weeks to rank up from 11 to 13-14.
They just don’t want people cheesing BWL in Rank 14 gear.
yeeeeeah… agreed.
I mean, we don’t instantly have access to r14 gear anyways…we have to actually rank up because we’ll be starting from rank 11 and thus would not have access to at the most 3 pieces until a week after launch, so this doesn’t make sense as a reason.
it makes perfect sense.
a couple weeks of untainted bwl progression is reasonable imo
and believe me i wanna be in r14 gear as bad as anyone else
There is no progression, just how quickly you finish the raid
You could kill bwl in pre raid without doing any MC.
Era raids are a joke.
Progression in era???
But it’s ok to cheese pvp with BWL gear and no PvP gear counter? Garbo
How about they stop messing with vanilla and just release it like a new server in 2005-2006 where BWL and rank 14 and all the bgs are out from day 1.
Much more fun than timegating everything for dad raid loggers – which vanilla was never about.
If they really do timegate rank 14 to after everyone’s fully BWL geared, this will for sure be the last Blizzard “vanilla” I play. Useless.
No need to cheese anything, era is the easiest version of the game, there is literally nothing hard in era.
All these time sinks dont make the game hard.
Rank 14 grind isnt hard it just requires you to be jobless.
according to TV and news paper → LA is burning, eastern europe is in war, countries get earthquakes and climat disasters, the list goes up
who the F care about →
and this insane 418k honor threshold is a
Stop being a child
Japan has been under Tsunami alerts a couple of days ago and many other times → i think this is a reason why WoW is not popular there and compatible with their environement, who is gonna bother make 418k honor threshold in this type of environnements?
who is the child?
You are. If your experiencing a natural disaster and your concern is grinding honor then you were clearly not raised correctly to think video game points are at the base of mazlow’s hierarchy
Why the F you play WoW if you don’t respect Warsong and only enjoy AV 5min games loops???
y’all are claiming your retail Arena rating and don’t respect Vanilla Warsong??? you don’t deserve R14 you stupid AV grinders
I never said any such thing.
I don’t deserve it. Yet. But I will deserve it after I’ve put the time in, and at the end of it all I will have it and you will not
add all the world buffs and all raids could be done but Naxx maybe