Rank 13 pvp gear needs a MASSIVE BUFF

Please buff pvp gear before we go live and fix the 2,4,6 piece. It is atrociously bad right now from what we can see.

Rank 13 gear should NOT be worse than MC gear. It needs to be on Par with AQ 40 or REBUFFED when AQ/Naxx comes out.


This poor guy hasn’t give up all hope on SoD pvp yet

How sad for him :frowning:

He is not wronggggg

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I don’t know about letting it be on par with PvE gear, but maybe give more stats in PvP scenarios.

Honestly it’s fine. Right now, a Shaman with the 6-piece blue set (not even rank 13) will have ~1k more health than a Shaman in full T1. And the difference probably gets bigger with the epic set.

Maybe add something like +30 resist all to one of the set bonuses. Tier is somewhat comparable in certain situations because of the free resistances. But beyond that, PvP gear doesn’t need a ton of buffs.