Rank 1 - Looking for Guild

Greetings everyone!

I’m looking for a guild that I can enjoy current and future content with, if possible I’d like to help lead the guild as well if it’s an officer or class officer position.

I’ve been playing this game since release of Vanilla and still enjoying what this game has to offer.

I was Rank 1 Warlock and Mage WoD S3 and Glad prior seasons, my knowledge in future PvP content would be helpful and in current PvE content. Rank 1 may be irreverent for current content but I’m good at my class and I know what I’m doing.

I’d like to help another community grow while enjoying my time with other players. It doesn’t matter to me what realm you are on, even though I’m currently a 60 mage clearing MC and Ony content on Blaumeux I will create a new character on your realm and join.

I hope to hear from you all soon :slight_smile: Please post below or add happymofugu#1712

Hey Conspearacy!
Seems like you’re looking for a more hardcore guild considering those nice achievements you’ve gotten but by any chance you’d want to be more semi-hardcore, feel free to check my guild out. We’re a day one guild with 100 members so a bit on the smaller side but we have 4 guilds we’re talking to about partnering so MC is right around the corner.

We are looking to fill our core raid team and definitely considering more officer positions and class leads for the ones we don’t have.

Good luck with choosing your new guild!

I am litterly starting a new guild on pagel alliance… so atm its just me 1 man…i have made a ton of friends while lvling but im looking to start my own thing and i could use some help if you interested

I would love to speak with you if you are still looking or are undecided.
We have formed a new guild on Atiesh (a). I have sent you a btag request.
Even if u have already found a new home. Pls accept my request.


If you are still up in the air Steadfast on Grobbulus would love to have you. We have a group of players that are going to be hitting the honor grind hard and everyone is pretty chill to hang out with.

I cant promise an officer or class lead position as those positions are earned over time and we have some folks that have been with the guild a few years. We have a mix bag of focus but we have groups interested in all levels of content and you sound like you would be a good fit. Just hanging out with these guys on disc is pretty enjoyable.

Grobbulus is an RP-PvP server and if you didn’t already know these servers are the hidden gem of WoW. On average the player base is super mature and more competent that the average server I would say. The population is balanced at about 50/50 and with a very healthy population below the queue cutoff. RP is totally optional, most people rarely do it but its pretty cool to see battalion of all dwarf guilds heading out to do some WPvP.