Ranged Survival in 8.3 PvP Part 2

As some have said, it must be nice when corruption gear does most of the work, isn’t it?

It’s not that we don’t like your sense of humor, but TRUE RSV is in dire straights right now and it’s politely asked not for you to publicize such things. Not that it would make so much a difference either way on what Blizzard does to go about it, but at the same time your content is not going to bring true RSV back. Going into SL, RSV is not going to be filled with high-res damage procs up the wazoo while it does nothing else but autoshots.

You never got it that social restrictions follow the meta. The higher up you go in competitiveness, the more the guild asks of you. We’re speaking of true competition, not ordinary being-the-best-you-can-be excellence because it is a fact in life sometimes that one’s best isn’t good enough. You were completely oblivious to the fact that we have the least in competitive representation across all three specs. No doubt the raid leaders gets to handpick who gets to be a BM, an SV, or forbid more a MM, in the high-hanging fruit of competitive play.

You don’t even main Hunter either, so there’s that. And also a European, not a N.American with other core-of-life responsibilities. Good for you that you are European, but being rude wasn’t going to get me to believe in you. Your raid leader would have kept asking you to play your Ret, not giving two buffalo diarrhea soups about your own MSV action.