Ranged #SOS

Allegedly on Thrall is super duper actively looking for ranged to flesh out our raid team for next season that knows wtf is going on, loves to raid in a non-sweaty but prog environment and with a wickedly awesome sense of humor.

A fresh start, if you will, led by a solid af raid lead and an amazing GM. Veteran ran (Go Navy! And Army, I suppose, ha!) but not a requirement, any and all players that want a solid place to call home are welcome!

Since we are startin’ fresh, we love to run us some keys, PvP is a whole lifestyle and fun events will absolutely be runnin’ as well as we grow :slight_smile:

AOTC for countless seasons are notches on our RL/GM’s WoW bedpost, with previous CE experience. AOTC is the goal for every season, and will absolutely dabble in Mythic as well!

Raid times: Tuesday & Thursday, 8pm-11pm CST | 9pm-12am EST (server)

If you’re interested, please leave a reply below or contact me via Discord or Battlenet.

Discord: stfuSkanky #4516 | Bnet: Skanky #11729