Ranged Rogue Spec, A Discussion

All three Rogue Specializations have their themes, but I’d love to see another theme come to life: the Ranged Rogue! Since this is a discussion, post what you think that’d look like!

For me, I can see a Knife-Throwing Rogue, like a Ninja, being popular! Similar to Evoker’s, they’d have a max range of 20 yards, but just like a Hunter, they’d be at a range throwing knives, stars, grenades, smoke bombs, flashbangs, and more! I can even see Blizzard making Glyphs to give the Knives a cosmetic appearance of Hearthstone Cards! I think that’d be pretty cool, too!


Just stick to Hunter.

Get rid of Outlaw and add a Ranger spec.

Oh, like Survival Hunter?

I don’t care much about a dedicated ranged spec. However, I would like to see some meaningful ranged attacks. Something iconic for each spec.

Maybe something on a short CD that can be used when you just can’t be in melee range. It’s doesn’t have to be a game changer, just something useful.


it feels like survival hunter got alot of the old outlaw rogue abilities but reworked to fit spec(when blizz reworked survival)

I feel like Subtlety could be reworked into a Ranged spec, as Assassination and Outlaw compliment each other well with their differences!


Double down on the pirate theme and make outlaw a dual wielding pistol spec.


Just stick to Hunter.

I always wanted to see Sin have a talent that turns it into a dagger throwing and doting ranged spec. Most of it is there they just need to switch off the range requirements.


Hot take: I like Rogue and you can’t force me to play another class. I’m allowed to have opinions and make suggestions. If you’re not going to contribute anything productive, don’t reply at all.

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Youve already been providing useless ideas, i just thought id provide a useful one.

Class fantasy used to be a big thing in this game.

Some people want a ranged Rogue because it meets their class fantasy.

If it were up to you there’d probably be no classes. Just ranged or melee. Then pick a role. Generic, bland and boring.


Their class fantasy is a ranged Survival Hunter.

Actually if it were up to me, wed expand the support side of Rogues to increase its hybrid capabilities. No need for a new spec with that.

I can see that mechanically working, but I think it would step away from the theme of Poisons and Daggers too much! For me, Subtlety would be the perfect Ranged Rogue spec to rework because it already fits the theme with abilities like Secret Technique and Shuriken Storm! Blizz would just need to rework Shadowstrike and Gloomblade, as well as a few other abilities and talents, and you’d have a fully-fledged Ninja Class!


Subtlety Rogue is currently one of the most satisfying specs in the game. It should not be changed just because you want a fully ranged survival hunter.




Its a ranged Survival Hunter.

This thread is for discussion of a ranged rogue spec. Not for naysaying every idea for one. The thread area you’re looking for is to the left behind a brick wall, thru the wooded path down the spiral staircase and behind the flaming dumpster. Please take your criticism there.

Thank you and have a great day.


It the least satisfying spec in the game. This is your opinion vs my opinion. A moot point.

A Hunter weapon, not a Rogue weapon.

Survival Hunters are not ranged. Sure, they have two abilities that can be used at a range, but the Survival Spec is Melee, not Ranged.

You’re not contributing to the discussion whatsoever, and simply saying ‘go play hunter’ is dismissive. Go find a different thread to troll.


Yes. You want a ranged Survival Hunter. Its intentionally dismissive because your idea is horrible.

Please explain how a survival hunter meets the lore and class fantasy of a ranged Rogue.

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