Ranged Hunter Rotation feels awful. Requires Weak Auras

With lock and load the rotation was very simple. Now it is a mess.

Now the rotation is so clunky as to require a weak aura to let you know when 9 seconds is up so your rune works again.

This is outrageously terrible game design. As a bonus you now get to use your dead globals to spam demonic/dark runes because how fast you go oom.

If you wanted to nerf hunter remove sniper training. Or just remove the crit part of it. That would be a significant nerf that would hurt explosive trap aimed/chimera big crit combos a lot. It would also let people move their character without feeling too badly.

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I agree. the nerf seems unjustified as well. it messes with the rotation. requires weak auras to be affective. leaves dead space in the rotation so you will end up doing auto shot/whatever else. seems like a bad design choice gameplay wise but also nerfs our damage considerably when we weren’t out pacing any classes by any means with single target or aoe damage. please explain this design choice blizzard and if made in error please correct