Randomly got logged out of the forums

not sure what happened, but i randomly got logged out of the forums. obviously, i’m back in, but not sure what happened. i was just sitting on the site, got a little pop-up saying i was logged out, and was logged out.

logged back in, and… that’s about it. nothin else. not sure what happened, so… kinda confused now. not sure if this is normal, or not, but eitherway, gonna keep an eye on it.

Yeah that happened to me on Chrome, along with quite a significant number of other players & accounts.

Try open up other browsers and see if you’ll be able to have a character to post on. All my browsers are on the bnet profile yet won’t allow me the option to select a character so I can post upon the forums, except the browser ‘BRAVE’ — which has me logged on forums from my shaman.

Having my shaman on the brave browser I guess is better than nothing; however I still can’t switch characters on the site. :person_shrugging:

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