Random UI Icon in the middle of the screen

So I can’t post links or pictures and blizzard has marked this as spam 9 times…

In the middle of my screen I get a weakaura looking icon that is showing temporary buffs. It will show me when I get a sudden death proc, when I have bounding stride, how long I have on nightfae form etc.

I can not find a single setting or option to move this. It is showing with all addons disabled and I don’t even use or have weakauras installed. This is driving me crazy.



Having the same issue bro, hope someone here has found a fix.

You could try this fix:


Hey team,

Any further fix to this? I am still stuck with the same issue (below) even after following Fizzlemizz’ solution.

imgur .com/a/ O6GH7Uu

(leave spaces out)


If you write /fstack in the chat and then hover on it, what frame is it? Drop a screenshot of the whole tooltip if you can.


The way the icon is incorrectly sized and align inside the button border indicates something is making adjustments other than the game.

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Thanks so much Tyreith and Fizzlemizz.

/fstack worked great and I was able to identify that it was BigDebuffs which hadn’t been updated to 10.0

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I’ll have to try /fstack when I get home today. I cant imagine it still being from an addon even with everything disabled.

Thanks for the input will report back after work.

Fix for me. Click on Bartender4 on the mini map.