Random stopping of casting

When casting any spell or item that has a cast time (such as hearthstone), there is a small chance that my cast will be interrupted and stop randomly, without any input from me. At first I thought I just moved accidently or fat fingered something that interrupted the cast. But then I started to notice it when casting things that don’t require movement, such as hearthing or casting a soulwell before a M+ or raid fight. I’ll the start cast and move my hand away from the keyboard, and then all of a sudden the cast won’t finish.

This started with this expansion. I just noticed it recently more and more the past week or two. I asked my guild and a few guildies have also experienced it. Every pug I’ve been asking if this happens to them, and every other M+ has at least 1 other person who’s experienced it. A mage said his portal casts gets interrupted sometimes.

I’m not sure what’s happened or changed in the code, but something is interrupting casts. Whether is caster specific (spells) or any class (hearthstone), it’s happening to many people. I haven’t seen any information or reports mentioning this, so I figure I’d report it.

TLDR: Casting Spells and Hearthstone will sometimes be interrupted randomly without any input from the user.

Ya, I’ve noticed that from using my Hearthstone at the end of dungeons as well. I wonder if it’s also related to the bug we have this expansion about channeled abilities randomly canceling, like Spinning Crane Kick, Convoke, Conduit of the Celestials, etc.

I hope these issues get sorted.