Random stats Inferno Satchels

Maybe you’re itching to upgrade, but you’re afraid of wasting your Inferno currency on randomized gear, and getting stuck in an extra Deadmines run. I started with the wowhead post on the subject:

However, it didn’t answer all my questions, like which plate boots were for tank, dps, or heals. If you follow the links, you can dig your way there, but I’d rather have it all in one place.

Sky Strider = Plate dps
Tempest Keeper = Plate caster
Thunder Wall = Plate tank
Lightning Well = Mail caster
Star Chaser = Mail Agility
Gale Rouser = Leather caster
Wind Stalker = Leather Agility
Soul Breath = Cloth

Btw, the plate greaves are LEGS not BOOTS. I thought they were boots in my initial post, until I bought a pair…Fortunately that’s an upgrade as well. I coulda sworn blizz called many pairs of boots greaves in the past…Wait, they did as recently as the 365 boots from the Molten Front Vendor. Sigh lol. Pyrelord Greaves.

Now, for the ring/cloak/amulet:

Planetary = Intellect
Mistral = Agility
Cloudburst = Strength dps
Permafrost = Strength tank

Your purchase may have unwanted secondary stats like hit rating, spirit, etc. but it’s probably an upgrade if going up 13 item levels, especially with reforging. Cloth belts do NOT appear to have hit rating as a possibility, while the cloth legs can have both hit or spirit, going by Wowhead.

I didn’t dive into non-cloth related stuff, as the possible secondary stats are at least somewhat useful, unlike spirit for mages or hit for healers.

Btw, don’t buy the random plate tank necklace before considering the 379 for 80 Inferno Stone Fragments. Almost certainly better.

Please correct any misinfo or add as needed!


Plate has a leg option. The Sky Strider Greaves is legs.

Yeah I just found out 16 stones later! …

Thanks though :slight_smile:

Get the Loon Best in Slot addon, has the BiS lists for every spec in game.

You can sort it by each equipment slot and plan what to get from that since some actual BiS pieces isn’t on the vendor.

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Thanks, I will check it out!

This 100%. This addon shows you all you need to know. Plus gems and enchants. Then go reforge if needed

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The first thing I always think about when I read or hear greaves…


Lol cant force people to use these things they cant even use google.

And you can’t even use periods, commas, or EVEN capital letters properly.


Here we go again with trolling abusive degraidng other players and out right violating the ToS. Stop trying to derail every topic and please stop bullying and violating the ToS

Perhaps you could show me the section I’m violating by pointing out your lack of skills in the English language?


…implies that they’re stupid, which IS insulting people.


No it implys they are lazy!! When one chooses not to google something they are lazy.

Regardless of the intention, they’re both insults. Which proves you are hypocritical.


No pointing something out as being factual is not an insult.

And yet you claim me pointing out your lack of understanding of the usage of commas, periods, and capital letters, is what, hogwash, not fact?


That is is a form of insulting you used it in a hostile manor there for it becomes insulting We are On fourms grammers is not needed in fourms this is not an essay or collage paper that is being graded you know what speling not matter either

But using your definition, it’s not insulting if it’s fact.


that is wrong it not be correct you need stop twisting my words around to make it seem like i said something i no say

Well, I mean, you DID say that:


stop harrasing me before i report you for bullying and harrasment