Random purple ball circling my HC SF character

Hey guys. Came back to wow classic recently to try out the latest sf mode and been enjoying leveling so far. One thing that’s been bugging me tho is the random purple ball that keeps popping off around my character. From what I’ve read I believe it has something to do with the Soul of Iron Buff ? Every time it goes off it kinda breaks my immersion. Is there a way to turn that visual effect off ? Maybe consider a toggle if none exists ?

Thank you !

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Ok, after a bit more research I tested out going to the ironforge NPC watcher Fero as a hc sf level one which barely made it =D Turns out you can turn on/off the Soul of Iron buff while keeping the SF tag. So technically a toggle, albeit a confusing one. Hopefully this helps other players wondering about the purple ball effect randomly popping off around their newly created HC SF char.


If you turn off the Soul of Iron buff on a SF character it’ll be back the next time you log in. So you can either get used to it or quit.

They can also request for it to be changed.
Nothing wrong with asking.


yeah, not sure which intern thought this silly effect was a good idea, but it really should stop :expressionless:

I don’t mind it on my Gnome lock, makes her look a little more badass. The taller characters though, it feels more of a distraction.

I could see Blizzard messing this up then you open a ticket (to some customer support agent that probably NEVER played WoW) and they will be like “sorry can’t do anything even tho our game is buggy!”

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yup, I wouldn’t go around messing with the buffs :expressionless: recipe for disaster

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Just the ironman effect

I feel very strongly about this effect. I would very very much like to get rid of it.

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