Random keybindings stop working zoning into vale of eternal blossoms

pretty much the title, I zone into vale of eternal blossoms and hit a key bind that I usually do and nothing happens. I turned off all my add ons one at a time and reloaded each time and tested, no change. when I flew to halfhill the keybindings worked again. can you possibly know why this is happening… its not the first time its happened and just in vale afaik. not a major deal but annoying.

Sounds like you might have something bound to a key used in that zone. Been a while since I have been there. Lets reset the hi and test add .old to the following folders WTF, interface, cache then test

god…that happens to me pretty much everywhere. Macros just stop working entirely for minutes at a time…

Thanks for the replies, I had to reset my key bindings for all my characters because they just randomly stop working.