With so many of us rep farming the Netherwing due to Timewalking Rep bonuses, it has become glaringly obvious there are several bugs going on, particularly surrounding the mount swapping that leads to random dismounts. This is annoying to say the least, but it makes the many "Dragonmaw Race: " quests unnecessarily tedious. Mulverick took 20~ tries because of the random dismount.
Wouldn’t it be easier to just let everyone stay on their original mount instead of trying to toggle us onto a different mount in such a restricted area?
I’m having the same exact problem and I came here to see if there was a solution. Those racing quests are impossible to do because of it.
It seems if you have any mount equipment it dismounts you. so right click off the mount equipment
It doesn’t seem to give me the option to turn off the mount shoes.
I’m having the same issue, and it’s incredibly frustrating when doing the races which are a huge part of the rep.
Clicking off the mount equip buff does appear to be working for me. However, it only works once per “illusion” if you will. So, you click off the buff and if the bug happens again and the illusion is reapplies, you’ll see that your mount buff has come back, so you have to keep clicking it off.
As far as I’ve found, I don’t think you can remove a piece of mount equipment. I’m going to go try applying the same equipment and see if it removes it. Alternatively, I’ll have to make a cancel aura macro to remove the buff every time, which is annoying but better than falling to my death in the zone all the time.
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Clicking off the mount buff worked for me. I was able to complete all of the racing quests. But it seems to come back randomly at times so I had to be diligent about keeping an eye on the bar for when it appears while also focusing on the races.
I am getting this also. In the air with nothing around me to collide with, not been hit by any enemy flying ability. I just get dismounted and fall. I keep my mount buff that I originally used to mount up with, In my case the Jaina Glacial Tidestorm mount, rather than the Dragonmaw Nether Drake buff I get turned into.
Adding my voice of frustration to this. Between the random dismounts and being hit by the electric orbs before there is any animation, “Dragonmaw Race: Mulverick” is much more difficult to complete than intended.
Elune help me if I ever manage to make it to “Dragonmaw Race: Captain Skyshatter” at this rate.
This is a serious bug. I am repeatedly dying doing quests because I fall off my mount to my death. I can’t even use my engineering glider because it thinks I’m still mounted so I fall to my death despite being an engineer with an out.
Not to mention the difficulty (extreme) trying to do the questline that involves following the fel orcs as they fly around.
I would say I am being dismounted on the ledge every 5-10 seconds or so which is not something I can easily work around.
It means I have to try and fly low, have my mount on my hot-bars as well as a macro to dismount off the one it still thinks I’m on and I honestly think the later quests which are harder may be impossible for me in this state.
3 years later, bug still happening.