Random disconnections or even in periods of 10 -15 minutes

Good evening folks.

I’m having this kind of frustrating problem. Past few weeks I bought a new PC, a MSI GL63 ORC, but since then I’m experiencing random disconnections while playing, doing arenas, raiding or whatever content I do, even those disconnections become frecuently in a period of 10 to 15 minutes, and then puff disconnected. I tried to update the wireless card drivers, changing IP but the problem its still there.

Any help will be appreciated.

Best regards.

The first thing you should do for any connection problem is make sure everything is well-connected, you’ve already done your drivers which is a good step, reset your modem, and you can do an internet speed test. I don’t know a lot else about your system but I do know weather can make cables expand and contract which can cause connectivity issues over longer lengths of buried cable.

Check those things and then I would talk to my service provider if I could. For resetting your modem I recommend doing an actual physical disconnect of the power source and waiting about 10-15 secs. Then plugging it in and letting it do its thing. There could also be an incompatibility issue but I don’t know about those things. Just shooting ideas out there.

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I’ve already tried the stuff tha blizz pages have, it seems tha the one solution that fits me is making an IP release, then renew it and make the ipconfig /flush dns on the CMD window. Thanks for the help pal