Random BG not filled

i’ve been running a few random BG and it seems horde have a hard time filling those team.
4 game in a row we were 9 against 10, seems pretty fair? (never lucky)
you win some you loose some but how about a real BG with 10 vs 10 xD
maybe blizzard should look at their queue system.


Considering most our out doing pve content right now to get flying etc it does not surprise me.

Was it max or below max level?

I just did an EotS (on a 110) where Alliance had 10 (then one quit, so 9) and Horde had a full team of 15. That. was. so. fun.

Rng man…

Every game is against a boosted alliance premade honestly I don’t blame horde for not queing this game is trash

Im just done 5-16 with 8 late joins its just not worth it.

yep . horde is all mercenaries so the “horde” team that’s actually the red team is usually 7 or 8 people versus 10.

Have seen almost no mercs on alliance side and now that horde are dealing with what alliance had to go through since launch you guys are already throwing in the towel? What happened to all the “its not that bad” “reroll” “form groups” that ally got?


Horde just played better then. It was a matter of skill and experience. Now it’s just gear and almost every bg the enemy team is using exploits. Literally everyone has a kickbot scripted to kick me in impossible reaction timeframes. They also use flyhacking and other crap to make your life miserable. They actually suck at PvP, but the gear and cheating carries. I don’t recall horde raiding guilds doing this like the alliance are right now.

It’s no wonder horde isn’t queing. Everyone’s sick of frostmourne premades. Also, honorbuddy is back again now that there’s honor requirements for the artifact, and that’s causing horde bgs to mainly be filled with bots, instead of real players.

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Blizzard has been implementing bot ai for years into bgs to simulate the idea that the game is “full”.

Even these forums are most likely bot ridden. For all I know you’re a bot, and for all you know I’m a bot.

Back in January another (supposedly human) forum poster and I caught some bots in arenas and bgs.

Mysteriously our post about it is gone…

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So true. It’s kind of bizarre to see. A week or so of the experience many alliance have had for many months makes horde go out of their minds. Yet before this they claimed they were “just better” and “alliance gotta deal with it”…

Whatever the case this patch kinda blows so… :woozy_face:

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I actually don’t even doubt that I’ve straight up had threads that were statistically based and pointed out that RNG was suspiciously non-random on the hearthstone forums “randomly” go 404 with no thread deletion notification. I’ve been told it’s their forum software being buggy though.

Honestly though, I’m not sure they’d be blizzard bots. That would be too much content for them to create lol. They get away with doing as little as possible, and then trying to sucker people into re-subbing when really nothing’s changed. The latest patch I think is a good example of that. I do wonder how well arena bots play though.

But… there are people who are grinding BGs for that essence but I been doing it in Merc for the 50% bonus so it would be the alliance side

I read this half way through, then stopped… then i put my tin foil hat on so i could finish reading this post properly :blush::+1:

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This “human” here… definitely a bot.


Im not saying Im a bot but…

I’m A Bot!

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Had someone whisper me the other day that they merced an epic, and every other “alliance” player was a merc. May not be as many overall but definitely some because of the bonus.

I wouldn’t doubt that for a second I’m just pointing out how silly it is for people to claim it is just horde v horde to help their faction ego. Alliance has A LOT of people grouping up and going full try hard for the essences this go around.


Yea I believe it. Winrates already weren’t that bad, not counting epics.

I have been saying that bgs never fill sometimes until other team gets a lead for a while now horde or ally doesn’t matter