Random BG Epitaph; What a Disgusting way to go WOW

Unfortunately tons of them.

Back in September I had a thread in GD explode on the topic. No response from Blizzard. We can’t even get an acknowledgment of the issue.

The problem really started to take off in DF. I’m not sure of the exact reason or if it was just steadily getting there, but it was at that point I started running into these groups in succession. Had one night where of 4 epic bgs, 3 were premades.

Part of the reason the problem is so massive now is how aggressive these groups are getting. As far as we know, that’s impart because of addons they are using to AVOID other premades and make the process of getting into matches together more coordinated. So what ends up happening is these premades are very quick to leave queues or leave matches they have already joined. This could mean as many as 40 players are joining a BG that has ALREADY started because a premade left. More players than leave seeing it’s a loss and more new players join. A single BG might see 100+ players impacted or more, especially if a premade decides to camp a GY for hours.

So now you have a very small group of players (relatively speaking) essentially controlling a huge part of this game.

I don’t know what it will take for Blizzard to respond, but threads like these are great. We need fresh voices in the conversation.

We get the context. You premade. You’re the problem. Anything else?


Yea, if you’re going to blatantly take something out of context, man-up and admit it… Don’t just try to play some straw man mental gymnastics clownage…

Here is the context.

Also, you keep editing your post.

Check out the post now, I added an extra smily just for you…

You are honor level 59 but you actually think you’re in a position to lecture dogmatically about what a very diverse playerbase wants and is motivated by?

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Wtf does someone’s honor level have to do with anything?


Your laughably bad takes are great. WB btw. How long before you take another vacation?

Imagine thinking honor level has any basis in the conversation when the topic is about fair gameplay.


Lmao. So you mean I’m someone who is queuing a lot in the low level bgs to get gear which is being affected by these premades? lol. If that’s the case… I’m actually the perfect person. Thanks for pointing it out

If you queue a lot and play those games when they pop, your honor level would be a lot higher. What the extremely low level means is that you hardly play at all. It’s not possible you have had the chance to interact with all the players you pretend to be speaking for.

Of course it is absurd for you to say with such force what other players intentions are whom you’ve never met. Your low honor level just makes it that much more obvious.

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Who am I speaking for?

My argument is more about the broader impact of premades and the que dodging. I believe that even players with less time invested can still have valid opinions based on what they’ve seen and experienced in the community. It’s not just about individual stats, but the overall effect premades have on the game.

If you have an issue with that, maybe you’re an elitist or have way too much time on your hands. Perhaps both!


My original response to you quoted what you said that I objected to:

In that quote, that you said, you are claiming to know the motivations of others. And you are saying it in an extremely dogmatic way. That’s my objection.

Every paying customer absolutely has a right to have an opinion about whatever they want. I mean, this is America and I’m a free range Çhîçkeñ and I’m all into people having freedom to have opinions. I just wouldn’t advise someone to extend those opinions into the realm of mind reading, that’s all.


Evidence has proven you and others that queue sync do not want “fair fights” because your actively ovoid them. Don’t think too hard about it.


I’m not trying to claim I know exactly what every player is thinking, but when you see people openly admit that they’re using premades and addons for the advantage, it kind of speaks for itself.

There are tons of posts on the forums where players acknowledge they’re not playing fairly, and to me, that just shows there’s a part of the community that’s okay with exploiting the system because it gives them an edge.

It’s not about assuming everyone’s motives, but more about the fact that this kind of behavior is openly talked about.


Just have to agree to disagree. I think your statement was overly broad. If you don’t see that, ok. I disagree with your statement 100i%. I know for a fact that there are others who want a fair fight. You said that’s wrong, that there aren’t others that want a fair fight.

*edit: And just FYI, there are 2 community leaders who have admitted they just want to pug stomp. It is definitely true that some people don’t want a fair fight. There are a lot more than 2 communities that do epics.

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I’ve only done a couple thousand BGs, but I’ve literally NEVER seen a premade -v- premade game. I’m pretty positive they all just avoid each other as they don’t really want a fair game, they just want to GY farm and/or push for the fastest win possible, doesn’t seem to be much of an in between scenario happening. :woman_shrugging:


Well I’m glad you are honourable and among good spirited people. Unfortunately that’s just not the case for everyone.

What the… Somebody teach OP what a paragraph is, asap.


I don’t even see how pug stomping is even fun. The very few times I have been on a team with a premade it’s so boring. I would much rather have a good fight and lose then have a boring fight and win.


There’s around 12 premades now… Its not always about “pug stomping”, its about protection, as no one wants to get stomped; including premades by other premades… The question is what’s Blizzard going to do about it?

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It’s not about protection; it’s about wanting to be the ones doing the stomping—of pugs. If it were truly about protection, premades would welcome fair matchups against other premades instead of avoiding them.