Rampant Ferocity Range needs to be fixed

Think the devs should really consider changes to Rampant Ferocity’s range for feral druid. The old range calculations made some amount of sense when we still had Astral Influence increasing melee range, but now it’s just insanely confusing.

Here’s a heroic Rashanan log from my guild this week where I played RF. I did a decent amount of damage to the ads that spawned via some of my abilities but Rampant did actually 0 damage.


With the removal of both our extended melee range and Tear Open Wounds as our AOE option, Rampant Ferocity needs to be more consistent if it is going to be the primary source of our AOE and the range calculations is the culprit.

In an effort to simplify the experience Rampant Ferocity should simply damage all targets with Rip applied to them.