Ramkahen Rep

Can anybody please tell me how to earn Ramkahen rep at Uldum. Last week I did all the quests I could find there and got to Honored. I need to get to Exalted but there are no more quests, trying to get the camel mounts.

Here you go!


Pretty sure they have a tabard that gives rep from dungeons much like the city tabards do. If I remember right, all the Cata reps had one except for the PVP reps in Tol Barad.

EDIT: yep, found it - https://www.wowhead.com/item=65904/tabard-of-ramkahen


Yep, it’s listed in the guide I posted!


running the one dungeon over and over is how I did it
lost city of the tolvir, I believe


There’s some dailies as well.


Instead of farming it now, if you’ve timewarped badges, wait for Cataclysm TW.

and purchase Commendation of the Ramkahen for 500 reputation each.


If you think that one is bad, try the one they put in for the N’zoth events. I think it was like max of 75 rep per quest with like two or three a day.


I got the tabard and then ran heroic grim batol over and over. You can kill all the trash in there without getting a lockout.


Ok I have the tabard already. There are no dailies that give that rep tho. I tried the Lost city but only got rep 1 time for the quest inside. Just enter the dungeon again after a couple days and no rep. Just did the Grim Batol dungeon and no rep of any kind.

There are.

  • Dailies. As you quest throughout Uldum, you will gain access to (only) two dailies that increase your Ramkahen reputation - Thieving Little Pluckers and Fire From the Sky. You can earn a total of 400 reputation (150 and 250, respectively) by doing both of them.

Read the guide.


Yea i think theres 3 dailys there

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You should be getting rep from killing the bosses, if memory serves. Run on normal over and over.
Id have to go do it again to remember, I sure, but literally thats how I got the mounts, running lost city again and again till I got the rep up.


And crap…evidently I deleted the character I got the rep on after getting the mounts and I have no clue which one it was.
I was hoping if I could figure out which character it was I might remember the details better.
I do remember getting the tabard, seems like that was kinda crucial.

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LOL that does not work anymore. Can’t multi run those dungeons.

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Just ignore all of that and wait for Cataclysm TW…Purchase the 500 rep item multiple times and that’s all… repeat for all possible reputations during each TW and you’ll get a lot of cosmetics.

Old factions are really easy now.

Were you wearing the tabard? Maybe I’m misremembering, but I believe the character I took to exalted completed the zone questing and then finished off by spamming heroic dungeons while wearing the tabard. And when I say “spamming”, I mean running each one once a day.

Well that would just figure. Glad I got my camel mounts a long while back.

Don’t the dungeon mobs have to be level range?

Or I may be misremembering as well.

Its easier now, I got it when you’ve to grind it via the expansion content.

Now you can do Legion , Pandaria…any Timewalking save the currency and drop it on each faction that has a commendation for 500 rep, you can even use alts for the 500 timewarped badges purchase the commendation and send it to your main because its account wide and these only cost 50 currency, you can purchase 5000 reputation with just the weekly quest from TW.

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