Ram issue on new mobo

I am helping a friend on his PC.
MSI Z390 mobo
Vengeance 16x4 (2 sticks)
700 watt PSU
RTX 2060
I5 9400
Cosair water cooler

Ram is installed in slots 2 and 4 . System will boot, but display will not come on. If I remove the stick from slot 4 the display will come on. I have also enabled XMP, and it will still only display with just one stick in slot 2.

EDIT: Display will not work if ram is in slot 4 (nothing in slot 2). System will boot tho.

Debug light flashes on CPU and DRAM. It flashes for just a second on CPU, but lasts longer on DRAM. The ram is fully compatible with the mobo.

Things I have tried…
Reset Mobo
Adjusted cooler screws from being over tightened
Ran Intel processor tool. (Passed tests)
Enabled XMP

I need some suggestions to see if I overlooked anything. Im at work but will do my best to answer any questions.

does the RAM work in slot 1&3 both stock and XMP? If so you have a bad RAM slot (had the same issue on a P67 mobo). If the problem is repeatable then try isolating each stick in a good slot and see if it’s a bad stick.

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Both sticks are good. I ran each one is slot 2. Its works in only slot 1, not in 3.
I’m going to try different sticks (from my PC) to see if its the actual slots.

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my money is on the slot then. If the mobo is still under warranty then you can replace it. It’s not the end of the world if you can’t replace it, you will have to upgrade RAM down the road (if you wanted to ) in two large stick rather then four smaller ones. I ran my P67 for six years and it was a non-issue for me since the mobo still runs in dual channel using slot 1&3.


Warranty is out. This has sat in his closet for over a year and I just built it a few days ago. I already told him I believed the slot was bad and he was like “Can I buy a new mobo”? I told him I was going to come here first and get some more suggestions before I gave him a answer.
So you just confirmed my thoughts.

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Have you looked at the CPU socket for bent/damaged pins?

Could try updating BIOS - perhaps somethings corrupt

I did look, but not with a magnifying glass. I plan to do that tonight.

But wouldn’t me running Intel Processor Diagnostic show a fail if a pin was bent?

And I updated BIOS before the first boot.


The diagnostic should report any error and you should not need a magnifying glass to see a bent bin… unless you need glasses…at which point you should get glasses.

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those 1151 socket pins are pretty little tho

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I welded for 36 years and need readers to see close up. Most definitely need a magnifying glass WITH my readers to see those tiny pins lol