Raise dead minion OMFG MAN

Broken, when not working as intended. But you are saying, you agree it isn’t working as intended, but it isn’t broken.

Got it.

This is the lamest debate on record.

What is your issue here? We’ve got countless people in these Forums laughing and completely annoyed with how this thing is functioning at the moment, yet your sole purpose in forum life is to tell people: “Your preferences are wrong”

You make an insane comment about how this relates to 1940’s Germany, and then try to be smug and claim folks are “hyperbolic” over this gaming pet topic?

This stuff writes itself. What else you got?

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Its working as intended.

No im not.

This is the only true statement you have had.

You have 2… and everyone else saying they rather have it this way so the ghoul is out than to constantly have to summon it.

Wrong again.

You are being hyperbolic.

Let me guess, you are using the thundering birdy? Try ANY other flying mount and your minion will stop vanishing.

Let me get this straight.

You claim this Pet is functioning like this because Blizz can’t find a way to stop the animation from taking too long (the encounter is over by the time it’s out)? And the solution was too… Simply have it Autosummon, regardless of the situation. Combat or Not.

You also claim you have zero issues with the Pet randomly summoning out of combat. Ports, Mailboxes, a simple dismount off of a mount. This is perfectly “Ok”. It’s cool, it isn’t a big deal. Never mind it serves absolutely zero purpose, in any shape or form.
You quote: “It is working the way it is intended”

You also agree that when the Pet is dismissed and you get ported into a que’d instance, into a Raid, or a dungeon… it is ok that you have to manually cast the pet. The entire concept of ignoring the slow animation, doesnt in fact work in this instance… a combat instance. The fight is in process instance. The combat is about to start instance. This is when auto-summon does Not work.

“…and everyone else saying they rather have it this way so the ghoul is out than to constantly have to summon it”

This is their stance, even though…we all still have to constantly summon it. Proving, this person doesn’t even play the class.

You quote: “It is working the way it is intended”

In closing, your honor. The Defendant obviously has no interest in Death Knights, or this Pet situation at all. Yet feels the need to chime in on every topic and use smug insults and narcissistic patterns to try and belittle those who don’t agree with their stance. Even go so far as to bring up “Real” life, and somehow compare a World of Warcraft topic to Germany…and talk about dehumanization. This is deep rooted scary behavior.

Your honor, members of the Jury. We hope you find today that the defendant… Is nothing more than a Troll.

Again, please google “Hyperbolic”. It may help you in your next case.

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Awesome response Napalmo.
I have been wanting to write a similar post for a long time when I find myself in this exact situation, but for whatever reason, I find it hard to come up with such an accurate and appropriate response.
It seems to be a lot easier for people to shoot out a simple 3 or 5 word post saying “your wrong because im right” than defending with the options of either saying nothing, having a short answer that is missing a few things due to time constraints or writing a great post like the one you did.

Thank you.
10/10 post get my vote.

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he is your only friend, quit sending him away.


I will, as a matter of fact, continue to dismiss this goofy a** minion who wanders around bumping into everything in a 15 meter radius and zooming around like the flash while I’m just trying to get some crafting done.

If i find myself in mortal peril and the only way to survive is to summon a minion, I will be sure to click the button (even if it takes half a second for him to arrive)

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What do you mean can’t find a way? There is a summoning animation, there is one with warlocks as well except that is a cast time.

It’s functioning. Change specs in town if you don’t want a pet out. It doesn’t hinder anything what so ever with it being out.

It is working as it is intended.

Are you asking if I agree with something or saying I agree with something? My pet is out when I enter instances… Don’t know what you are complaining about.

Calling someone it, trying to see me as non-human but an object, is 1940’s Germany. It’s not hyperbolic to call a spade a spade.

Try again.

what game are you trying to play here today sir?

this is what the whole post was about.
what do you have to contribute other than a provocation

Uhhh… What? Are you seriously going to ignore 99% of a post and act like you aren’t playing games on the forums?

i am the author of this post. i have been monitoring it since creation.

So what? That doesn’t answer my question.

please state your question

Quit trolling dude, I already did. I’m not repeating myself because you are too lazy to read 2 sentences


You wouldn’t be repeating anything since you never answered the question… Quit trolling.

Bro I’m pushing 10+ keys on my unholy DK. Wtf is my pet disappearing after mounting up every single time in +10 dawnbreaker. Tired of resummoning the damn ghoul. Huge DPS loss. Your complaints are toxic as f***