Rainbow Texture bug

I got a drivers update yesterday and the problem seems to have finally gone away. So far anyways and I played a good amount of time yesterday/last night probably 6+hrs and didn’t see anything so hopefully is gone for good now. EDIT: Nvm they’re back they’re just less frequent now


Getting this issues as well. Only since DF, only on WoW. Gonna lower to DX11 and hope eventually they fix it.


I got the fun in my chat box until I relogged


It’s back with a vengeance n,ow it’s worse than ever. All other games are fine

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This is happening to me as well. At least we can be relieved it’s not our video cards failing and something with WoW/Nvidia. DX11 fixes it but WoW runs so much better on DX12… really hope they fix it soon, but I will remain skeptical seeing as how Shadowlands DX12 texture flickering didn’t get fixed for me until like 9.1…

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This was happening for me as well I ended up turning anti ailiasing off and it fixed it, at least for now.

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I’ll have to try that.

This is a perfect description and its been happening to me constantly lately :\

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I get the same error, DX11 is like -30 fps for me so it’s a no go

happens frequently, only on WoW DF blizzard pls fix.

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First we took the NPCs, now we’re taking your graphics.

You can’t stop the rainbow, but you can taste it.

This has been working for me so far

Oh My!! What you want to do is set your settings to the lowest possible setting…everything. See if the bug is still there…if not then increase the settings little by little till it happens and that will narrow down the problem area. Oh before that…turn off all your addons just to make sure it isn’t an addon causing it. It is humbug and takes time but if you find what is causing it…share and be a hero!!

I’ve only been experiencing this when running two wow clients and windowing in and out between them, but it’s definitely new to DF. Been doing this between my accounts for years without issue.

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This is specifically what causes it for me as well, and similarly, it has never been an issue for years until now.

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i dont have any of that at max settings. i keep rtx off tho.

rtx makes a few reflective textures flicker for me.

Yeah turning off Anti-aliasing didn’t do anything and again it’s only with WoW

Looks like you didn’t do your cypher research in Zerath Mortis.

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Played Lost Ark and Elden Ring quite a bit and no trouble in those games either so that’s like 6 or 7 other games running fine this is definitely a WoW only issue.

Can confirm Dx11 has 100% fixed any type of rainbow texture glitching for me as well. Been using it for 3 days now and haven’t seen anything else like that.


I did another scan and repair tonight on WoW and was able to play for 4 1/2 hours with no issues idk if I was lucky or that worked