As in can i have two out at a time or the second one replaces the first one?
Also unrelated, but damn its not a good sign that first thing i see when opening the
Warlock forums is like a dozen discussions about reworking/buffing Affliction, that poor spec man.
EDIT: forgot to ask but whats the best pet for Destro?
Yes they stack, that’s our main aoe spender (in the past it used to be a channel and would be a buff you could track, but now it’s just a spendable cast).
Pet dps has been neutral for the past 8 years now. Technically in pure single target with no interupts and a completely static target, succubus / incubus is like .3% dps ahead of the other pets. Standard pet is felhunter for all content (since it has our only interupt) and imp otherwise (also has a dispel).
Felhunter is your default. M+ needs interrupts, especially at high levels. Even simple spells going off can kill people.
If you have a fight where there are no casts that need to be kicked you can swap pets.
A good example of this is the last boss in Siege of Boralus. There are no casts you need to kick, but the boss sends out debuffs 2 at a time, so if you use your imp you can dispel one and the healer can dispel the other. Essentially removing the mechanic as a factor.
I know most people are saying Felhunter is your only kick… but also dont forget Shadowfury packs on CD. It wont register on meters as a kick so people will always look at meters over gameplay, but Shadowfury is your single most important rotational group utility button in M+.
But Felhunter is 100% your M+ pet. Regardless of group comp, 1 missed kick could wipe a group. Send it on CD.
seems like you could just go out somewhere in wow on your warlock and start casting rain of fire and seeing what it does when you have more than one at a time.