Rain in Thaldrazus Causing Crashes?

This is happening on both my macs (desktop and laptop). If there is rain in Valdrakken or Thaldrazus, the game crashes. I’m at a loss as to what is causing it and have tried playing with the weather settings to no avail.

Here is the error code:




Not sure if it completely disables the rain in newer zones like it does with the older areas, but you could try adding the following line to your config.wtf file:

SET weatherDensity "0"

Also, if you have the compute preference option set to anything other than Disabled, change it to that setting.

Next time you get the crash, could you put up the actual log of the crash so we can more readily diagnose the issue? Players can’t use the error codes, only the SFAs can.

I wonder if this is related to this crash

Both possibly use similar effects

Thank you - I’ll try that. And I’ll work on getting the log crash data.

I would guess yes, as that zone is also horrible for me.

Thank you.
