Raids should reset on transfer

This thread reminds me of that lol video where the guy keeps dying to malphite and talking about how he does nothing

Yes you are a blatant troll.

This has to be one of the most ridiculous complaints I have seen on this forum to date.


No. Then the game would be pay to win at that point. People would be transferring every transfer cooldown to get the bonus raid lock outs.

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The point is, its not authentic to vanilla, therefore its not #nochanges. Its hilarious watching #nochangers defend a change

Defending changes. Go back to Retail.

You remind me what happens when unfettered democracy can run a muck. We think your opinions actually have value!

It used to be like that. Plus, 1 extra lockout every 90 days isn’t going to break the game. Sorry for ruining your doomsday prediction.

Thank. You.

This post is just about an obvious change, that no one is upset about. Even though it takes away from the Player entirely.

I mean why not just take it a step further and add a cash shop where you can buy all the gear you want!

That wasn’t in Vanilla.

Now you’re just reaching for things that make no sense.

Feel free to go elsewhere, you’re obviously not educated on this topic the slightest. Now you’re just a troll.

They obviously haven’t stuck to no changes. But here you are on a retail character crying for people to go back to retail when they tell you there’s not a no changes movement anymore. I’m here to tell you to go back to private servers if you want vanilla.

Classic was never really #NoChanges. There were always changes to Vanilla included, primarily the removal of problematic systems like the original group finder. If they permitted transferring to reset raid ids, then the world first and server first races would be affected. There is no reason for a smaller server to lose their AQ opening to some transfers.

So you’re apologizing for Blizzard going against their word? Do what you want to pal.

Explain Spell batching?

LOL…how about no.

It largely dpends on RNG, what if a guild transfers to another server, and they get both bindings for doing so after they did a raid lock out for MC? That’s not breaking at all? I know it’s possible thing to happen, but that extra lock out can produce that. I know that’s hard to graps with a peabrain such as yourself to understand so…Ugah…UGAH!

That sums up every raid loot experience in the game. One extra raid lockout every three months (13 weeks) is only 7.7% better of a chance. It also requires a collective guild to think that upwards of over $1,000.00 is worth that chance (not even a guarantee).

Seriously, “abusing” this would be four extra lockouts over an entire year (52 weeks in a year, 56 lockouts with max transfers…). And again, if the guild was only 40 people that would still be $4,000.00.

Yet, you fail to grasp the reality of the situation. Go to Retail if you’re okay with these blatant changes.