Raids should reset on transfer

Case closed

No changes has been dead for a year. There’s been an extremely high amount of changes happen from vanilla to classic. A community playing a game in 2004 =/= a community playing the same game in 2020.

It’s only an exploit in a raid that counts wipes.

Can we get rid of spell batching then?

Let me get right on that for you bud.


So you alright with changes then.

Not very Classic like to me.

You clearly just want an extra chance at loot after a transfer. No. Now stop being ridiculous.


I’m OK with it not being very Classic to you. You’re not in charge of anything at Blizzard, so your opinion has zero bearing on what is and isn’t Classic. I can’t believe anyone would want Blizzard to waste any time or resources on a niche issue like this when there are so many other productive uses of their time. It really feels like you’re just constantly posting to be posting. I have yet to see a compelling argument from you. You’re just blindly shouting, “Authenticity!” without any regard to its implications. As I already pointed out, Blizzard was up front about their intention to make the game as authentic as possible with the caveat that they would make changes as needed to prevent cheats.

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Please read a post before making a hasty comment that doesn’t make sense.

It’s not authentic to Vanilla. Stop apologizing for Blizzard.

I’m not apologizing because no apology is needed. You are making unreasonable demands and lashing out at anyone who points out how unreasonable they are. Just deal with it already. I’m done responding.

Thanks for responding/apologizing for this #change.

Atleast we know what side you’re on.

All I said it was clearly a change and you got defensive in why Blizzard shouldn’t fix this mistake.

Ok. Give one reason that’s not #nochanges why this should be reimplemented

There you go. Its against the #nochanges. Plus it really doesn’t effect much.

Just makes a transfer a bit more valuable. New realm and fresh lockouts for one week. I used to make sure I got 2 lockouts whenever I would transfer back in the day.

Did you read my post? One reason that is NOT #nochanges

Greedy, aren’t we? Now stop trolling.

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how about better game > nochanges?

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dId yOu rEaD mY pOsT?

That’s you. The dude who didn’t read.

I bolded a key word in that quote for you. It lets you know I’ve addressed this, multiple times already. Please read.

You are obviously not playing Classic for Classic.

Blatant trolling now.

Something tells me you might have 1 60 with a few hundred gold. That’s it.

how do you not understand this was build on the legion client and backending this in would be a headache no one cared to even think about.

They redid Spell Batching didn’t they? They should be consistent.

players in vanilla had raid ID wipe when they transfers but Now ofc you keep your raid save when you server transfer in classic! Because Classic is not vanilla And only idiots think that classic is vanilla.
the NoChange propaganda died on the first day of classic release