I’ve not played reeetail or paid for a sub in years because I don’t feel like slamming my head against a wall. Raiding wasn’t relaxing or liberating like it is in classic, the raids in classic might be extremely easy but at least when I die I don’t get a passive debuff that increases my chances of getting kicked by 25% each time. Nobody tried to be productive or helpful, or explain things thoroughly about the fight in any encounter I’ve been in during my playtime in reeetail.
Let me ask the awesome totally inclusive people of reeetail wow community this about reeetail raiding today.
Are people given the opportunity to learn from their mistakes in reeetail raiding yet without getting chastised and booted like how it was before or are people still walking on egg shells and screaming at each other like children and justifying it with piles of excuses while dying to one of a billion mechanics from an over tuned, slog of a boss that they’ve been on for hours straight because the raid is far more difficult than it ought to be?
And before anyone assumes, yes I was in some raiding guilds. Same experience every time. I only complain about this because I always wanted to do the high end content, but I always ended up getting demoralized by the amount of time spent in messy pugs or watching the current guild I was in fail to the same mechs that I’d just log off for months, and by the time I gained interest again and logged back on, everyone else would have AOTC and 100 ilvls over me and it turned into a catch 22. I just wanna know if it’s me, the game, or a bit of both.
Feel free to justify why the current state of raiding in reeetail wow is actually rlly flippin good in a constructive manner instead of turning into the high ilvl AOTC pugger who doesn’t have anything else to do who goes [Raid] [Derpina]: Try killing boars in elwynn instead u might not die
Derpina has left the raid group.