Raiding and whats wrong with it

I’ll hit you with another one.
• Shadowlands sold 3.7 million copies on day 1. That’s not including any more that followed day 1.
• 49,229 guilds killed Shriekwing on normal. If those guilds each had a full team of 30 players then that would be 1,476,870 total players.

That’s still only 40% of the accounts who pre-ordered the expansion on day 1 that stepped into the raid. Fewer cleared normal or even stepped into heroic.

There’s some wiggle room for that data, sure. Some people bought multiple copies, some guilds have multiple raid teams, not all groups are 30 players, it doesn’t account for any players that may have purchased Shadowlands after day 1…

Regardless, even if raiding was something 40% of the player base participated in, even just for one boss, that still leaves the majority that doesn’t. Sounds weird to build the game around it, right?

Sadly the horde has much better options for raiding than alliance.

If you’re dead set on staying alliance I would recommend posting a thread asking for invites to some of the raiding communities. They are a bit more lax on attendance requirements and usually take who they can on the specified days. That way you can raid when you can.

Thank you for the feedback. I wasn’t trying to come off rude in anything that I said. I have difficulty expressing myself.

I’m glad to know their are options and I might consider horde moving forward. I haven’t played Horde since the beginning of WoD, so maybe that’s why I have had such a rough time with guilds.

No, I don’t really think that that’s weird.

Stormrage does have some nice alliance communities. I would also recommend checking out Proudmoore — I haven’t really played on there since pre patch, but the alliance community was huge then.

I’m a bit out of the loop, what’s the best way to find communities? In game chat, a tool, or the forum?

What he said is true,you spend more time pepping to do a raid and wipes just keeps repeating the process over again. Only a small amount of time is on the bosses and more on the trash.

I’d recommend starting by checking out your server forums. Some servers will have helpful posts and even some pins about communities and community projects.

I probably shouldn’t have used communities so interchangeably in my post, though – I meant to say that Proudmoore itself has a pretty active Alliance population, with lots of guilds and, from my experience, friendly people.

If you’re interested in M+, I’d probably start with a couple of the Discords, like M+ Friends. Cross-faction grouping means you don’t need to worry about Alli/Horde and you can still try to find consistent folks to play with. :slight_smile:

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It seems from the number of complaints that this is a very large group. Why are they all unable to establish groups that if ore things like:

I stopped reading right there. Stop advertising for a paid streamer.

Didn’t he quit wow anyway?

Hey, I appreciate all of the great info. Thank you a ton.

He is a great judge of toxicity, though, considering he’s done so much crap, even including the removal of an emote, lmao

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Raiding is fine (even with the mechanics). It’s the player base that makes the environment what it is. Some raiding guilds fit your assumptions and some don’t. There’s also individual responsibility in terms of being raid ready.

No problem! If you’re ever in need of a mediocre healer, I’m always happy to throw my hat in the ring.

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Even with raid io it still continues ,amazing.

What does the mythic + scoring site have to do with raiding?

it tracks raid progress too lol

Yup,absolutely nothing,thought people were talking about raiding. But now,it’s all about mythics+.

Yes and no. It says if you’re 10/11 but not which 10/11 you are. Some players skip bosses. That’s why you’re asked to link your achievements in some pugs.

Unless you take the time to go to the website to look them up. That ain’t happening in a pug most likely. In recruiting yes.

I didn’t find anything you said rude so nothing to worry about.

If you enjoy alliance I strongly recommend checking out the multiple raiding communities. I have heard good things about them from people who are apart of them.

I have some friends on alliance that may have or lead one of those communities. I’ll hit them up and see.

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Any pug I lead im looking people up on warcraft logs.

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